gautam kotwal

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since Jun 23, 2005
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Recent posts by gautam kotwal

Hii all

I m working on a java application in Mac OS 10.1.3.
The problem is that in my application there are few textfields which I want to make editable.
I have used every approach...It has been declared setEditable(true)...
but still it is not ediatable
if u set some string it is accepting and showing the string in textfield (by setText)...It is also responding to mouse clicks(It is giving some printouts when u click mouse on textfield) but it is not letting enter any text. If i use Textfield instead of Jtextfield it is showing blinking cursor in starting of textfield but still not entering anything.

Hoping to get an early reply
18 years ago
Hii all
I m working on a java application in Mac OS 10.1.3.
The problem is that in my application there are few textfields which I want to make editable.
I have used every approach...It has been declared setEditable(true)...
but still it is not ediatable
if u set some string it is accepting and showing the string in textfield (by setText)...It is also responding to mouse clicks(It is giving some printouts when u click mouse on textfield) but it is not letting enter any text. If i use Textfield instead of Jtextfield it is showing blinking cursor in starting of textfield but still not entering anything.

Hoping to get an early reply
18 years ago
Hii all
I m working on a java application in Mac OS 10.1.3.
The problem is that in my application there are few textfields which I want to make editable.
I have used every approach...It has been declared setEditable(true)...
but still it is not ediatable
if u set some string it is accepting and showing the string in textfield (by setText)...It is also responding to mouse clicks(It is giving some printouts when u click mouse on textfield) but it is not letting enter any text. If i use Textfield instead of Jtextfield it is showing blinking cursor in starting of textfield but still not entering anything.

Hoping to get an early reply
18 years ago