Michael Ernst

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since Jul 03, 2005
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Recent posts by Michael Ernst


I want to use WS-Security in my Web-Service for authentication. It should only be possible to access the service if a username and a client id is given. The username will be given as an authentication token but how to handle the client id. Whats the common practice to handle this? Is it the right and common way to create a second token because both identifiers are equally important?

14 years ago
Thanks for your answer, but RuntimeExceptions are thrown, but the application installation will not be aborted.

- loading webmodule
- Exception caught while initializing context (stack trace (RuntimeException...))
- initialization successfully
- Webmodule bounded, url
- Application successfully started

Server : WSphere 6.01

15 years ago

I'm using a ServletContextListener to load some stuff initial. If there are exceptions, I have to abort the startup, but how? Only to log is out of the question.

15 years ago
You can use the
@org.jboss.annotation.ejb.RemoteBinding(jndiBinding = "TravelAtentRemote")
@org.jboss.annotation.ejb.LocalBinding(jndiBinding = "TravelAgentLocal")
Annotations (at the Bean class) to set your prefered JNDI name.

Instead of your getInitialContext Method you can use a jndi.properties File (placed inside your classpath; IDE source folder). "new InitialContext()" is enough to get your Context object.

"Programming Jakarta Struts" is not Struts 2 compatible. There are big differences between Struts 1.x and Struts 2, so this book will not really help you. I heared WebWork is very similar to Struts 2, so "WebWork in Action" could be a interesting book (I never read it). Books with "Struts 2" in the title aren't available (the first will be available on Oct).

The struts2 docu and tutorials should help to solve the biggest starting problems. This was also my way.

16 years ago
For others who read this post: The name "MyBean" is a little bit confusing - better MyLocalInterface or MyRemoteInterface!

16 years ago
Thanks for your reply.
The InitialContext solution was also my first idea. The first idea is sometimes the best idea.

16 years ago

I'm using Struts2 with the ajax theme and want to display a yui component via a <struts iv theme="ajax" href="..." .../> component. The asychrone loaded jsp contains the yui (Yahoo! User Interface) code, but the content will not be shown (other content will be displayed). I can copy and paste the content from the asynchrone loaded jsp to the jsp with the div container and the yui datatable will be shown, but this is no option for the system.

16 years ago

my project contains of three (eclipse) project. One project contains all JPA files, the second contains the Stateless Session Beans (with all CRUD operations) and the least project contains the web (Struts 2) application. How can I combine the Actions with the beans without a lot of additional code (InitialContext etc.). Is there a way to get a reference via reference injection or what is the normal approach for this task?

Thanks in advance!

16 years ago
I develop a big EJB3 application which realizes a metamodel. Therefore I'am using the javax.persistence annotations. Additional I developed a TreeViewer (Eclipse) to browse my model. The browser works with the java reflection api. Today I added some additional fields to some model classes and annotated them with @Transient Annotation. So I have to adapt the browser to exclude the @Transient annotated fields, but I don't get any annotation of any classes. So I added a simple stupid Annotation "Foo" (defined in a another package) to the Field id which is already annotated with the @Id and @GeneratedValue Annotation. If I query the field, I will only get back the Foo annotation.

private int id;

(field.getDeclaredAnnotations().length --> 1; I expect three).

What's the problem?

Thanks in advance.

16 years ago
Hello together,

I have to write a huge database oriented application (prototype) with lots of different clients. The entity model consists of more than 100 entities with lots of m-to-n-relationships and multiple inheritances. The requirements are as follows:
- Remote accessible via Web Services (create, update, delete)
- Transactions
- Role based security
- Lacy loading for associations
Therefore I�m looking for a way to implement this application. First I thought I can use EJB3, but the entity model is very variable and changes will happen. So I believe O/R-Mapping, based on EJB3, is a bad idea (there are big problems to adapt the database when it already contains data). Next, I thought I can use SDO, but I believe I can�t create my API with such disconnected model and it is rather suited for business operations. Today I looked at iBatis, but I believe the effort to create hundreds of SQL Statements, especially for the m-to-n-statements, is very error-prone and exceeds my time limit for the prototype.

I hope someone has ideas for my problem.

16 years ago
Yes, you should use one of that frameworks. It's better for your application style! Single JSPs are very labor-intensive in maintenance and creation. The frameworks offers you a clean style based on the guidlines of the framework you use. The frameworks offers you also some mechanism for the creation of templates for your application, so all pages have the same layout. There are more advatages by the usage of frameworks but you can read about that in the manuals, on the websites or books about the framework. I made some good experiences with the "in action" books like "Struts in action" or "JSF in action".

What do you mean with "write code for composite structure diagramme in UML 2.0"? Composite structure diagrams are very abstract and they show the collaboration between the system parts, so you can iterate over the single parts and detail and refine them in class or object diagrams.

You have to use a specialisation (empty arrowhead)
Look at the UML2 Superstructure document, page 646 (EJB-Profile sample).

I want to execute the ant (default) task in the jboss-EJB-3.0_RC6-PFD\docs\tutorial\webservice directory, but I earn some Exception during the compilation. Which jars are missing in the classpath or whats going wrong?



The stateless Bean sample works fine.

17 years ago