Kannan Raju

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 07, 2005
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Recent posts by Kannan Raju

I am in USA. Can I work as a freelancer on your project?
18 years ago
Hi All,

I just want to know some web sites where you can get some java freelance projects.

18 years ago
Congrats. What is that errata?
I think it is better to revise your weak areas.
I heard whizlabs exam simulator is harder than the real exam. I eagerly waiting for Mr. Siva's reply. Thanks.

I am preparing for SCWCD and following the book "Head First and Servlet and JSP". In this book they have explained everything very well. But since I don't have much experience on servlets and JSP, I keep forgetting the API's that was explained in the book.

There is no coding exercise in this book. In order to remember this, do you guys write some code or what? How do you guys remembering it?

I have almost 10 years of experience in IT. But I have just 1 year experience in Java and passed SCJP 1.4 yesterday. Can I get any job in Java development with this?

18 years ago
The page# 199 of HFSJ book says that "The client could open a new browser window! So the container can still use the same session for a client".
But, in the earlier chapter it said that the browser is the client.

I am confused whether the computer or the browser the client?

Can you please tell us the web sites you have used for the mock exams and preparation? Thanks.
Is it good idea to show on your resume that you are preparing for SCWCD exam?
I don't think you sould focus on IDE now. It takes some learning curve. Just use Textpad & compile it in DOS prompt.

Is there any web site (like Dan's web site for SCJP) to provide questions by objective wise of SCWCD? Thanks.
Should I add classpath variable when I compile this file to indicate my package?
18 years ago