John Mulvey

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since Sep 02, 2005
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Recent posts by John Mulvey

This is a tremendous opportunity for fluent English speakers to live and work in Prague and provide technical writing expertise in the field of cutting edge development technology.

Typical candidates are expected to have the following skills:
* Excellent writing and communications skills in ENGLISH.
* Three years professional experience in a related field.
* College degree with relevant technical writing or computer science coursework.
* Experience with Java technology - Able to read, understand Java source code, and write simple Java program examples.
* Working knowledge of authoring tools such as FrameMaker and EPIC.
* Working knowledge of HTML and SGML.
* Familiarity with Solaris operating environment
* Proven scheduling/project management skills as they pertain to the delivery of quality documentation

The Technical Writer should understands the roles, requirements, and tools necessary to research, plan, and write Java developer documentation for software products.

You will be required to:
* Plan and write technical developer documentation for software products, primarily the Java Platform, Standard Edition and related technologies.

As a Technical Writer you shouls have following skills:
* Excellent writing and communications qualities.
* 3 years professional / commercial experience in a related field.
* College degree with relevant technical writing or computer science coursework.
* Experience with Java technology -- able to read, understand Java source code, and write simple Java program examples
* Working knowledge of authoring tools such as FrameMaker and EPIC.
* Working knowledge of HTML and SGML.
* Familiarity with Solaris operating environment
* Proven scheduling/project management skills as they pertain to the delivery of quality documentation

* Assist with bug fixes relevant to documentation
* Scope requests for other documentation work not directly related to release of the Java Platform Standard Edition product
* Participate on subteams working to improve process, tools we use, and so on, related to your job.

Relocation assistance possible.
If you are interested in Java opportunities in the Czech ot Slovak Republics please appply with your CV to:
[ September 02, 2005: Message edited by: Michael Ernest ]
18 years ago