saxena vicky

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since Sep 05, 2005
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Recent posts by saxena vicky

Happy see the new book from kathy sierra, would love to read this book.

I want know how the Android App can be secured? as we are seeing the rapid shift from the desktop application to Smartphone Application Users.

Is "Head First Android" Book also covers the security aspects of Android Application and comparison between Android and IOS App security?

8 years ago
I am using JAX WS, I want to know is there any way to get the element from the request, the way we do in DOM tree to get element by the name.
I didnt find any api in Handlers.

The approcah which i followed is to convert the request into the string xml and then creating the DOM object with the string xml and then looked for the first node and searched for the element, It worked but I am not convinced with this approach, this will hit the performance.

I want direct api to access the element from the request.
11 years ago
My Requirement is to read the soap request in SOAPHandler, look out for some particular elements in the request and take some action based on element value.
I can get any type of request, but I will lookout for “userid” element in the request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="">

I tried many option but no success, can anyone suggest the better approach
11 years ago
Thanks for the reply Raj.

But my question is " how it is useful, whats the purpose it solve that traditional way of programing doesn't solve"
13 years ago
I want to know what is IOC? and how it is useful, whats the purpose it solve that traditional way of programing doesn't solve.
13 years ago
Thanks for the reply swaraj.

But please tell me how can I call the overridden method of Class A1 from the method in Class C1
13 years ago
How can I call the method of Class A1 from C1

public class A1 {

public void method()
System.out.println(" A1 ");

public class B1 extends A1{
public void method()
System.out.println(" B1");

public class C1 extends B1{
public void method()
super.method();// This will call the method of B1 class
//How can I call the method of Class A1 from C1
System.out.println(" C1");

13 years ago
Thanks Kumar,
I got it..............
Hi all,
Can anyone explain me:
1. int i= 0;
i=i++ + ++i + ++i;

2. int i= 0;
i=i++ + ++i + --i;
Hi Bimal,
Thanks for the Explanation. But still I have a doubt.
class ClassA1{
public String name ="Vicky";
public void printName() {

class ClassB1 extends ClassA1{
public String name ="Praveen";
public void printName() {

If I do :
ClassA1 objA1 = new ClassB1();

The Output is: ----B----Praveen

As you say that objA1 is of type ClassA1 the it should first search for the method printName() in the class ClassA1 if it is found the that method is executed. But the output is ----B----Praveen
According to your explanation it should be ----A----Vicky

[ October 04, 2005: Message edited by: saxena vicky ]
18 years ago
Hi Bimal,
Still not it is not clear to me. Correct me If I am wrong
If we do not have printName() method in the sub class. Then the concept �Method can be overriden , Attribute can not� applies.
And we do
ClassB1 B =new ClassB1();
In main
The output is ----A----Vicky
In this case the method printName() in the super class is executed, because there is no method In the sub class.
Now if I override the printName() method in sub class. �Uncomment the code�
The output is ----B----praveen
As I have overridden the method printName() so the method printName() in the sub class get executed.
BUT ,now the variable "name" is also overridden WHY???
18 years ago
I have a doubt in this question ?
I know that "Method can be overriden , Attribute can not" so the
answer will be : ----A----Vicky
but my question is if I override the method printname() in ClassB1
the out put is : ----B----praveen
can any one explain me?

class ClassA1{
public String name ="Vicky";
public void printName() {

class ClassB1 extends ClassA1{
public String name ="Praveen";
/*public void printName() {

public class XYZ {

public static void main(String[] args) {
ClassB1 B =new ClassB1();


[ October 04, 2005: Message edited by: saxena vicky ]
18 years ago
I am running same application in 5 different nodes i.e Jboss server,
And I am writing the log messages to a log file.
My requirement is create only one log file for all the 5 node.
How to do that? any idea
18 years ago
Guys I have a doubt
When I print the hash code of the string object

String s1 = "spring";
String s2 = s1+"summer";
System.out.println(s1+" "+s2);
springwinter springsummer

can any one explain me why???
In that case answer will not be 9