wilhe york

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Recent posts by wilhe york

Originally posted by Jason Menard:
I'm not totaly sure what you are looking for, but I have one possible solution. What you might do is make a class that models your data, then place objects of that type into a Vector for example.
Am I being clear, and would this be an approac to solve your problem?
Jason Menard

Thanks. I have actually built XML driven Beans that model this type of structure... All things are well and I haven't considered this ADODB.RecordSet structure in almost a year now. I just wondered if anyone had done something like this using actual Database drivers which would allow one to used and abuse cached data before submitting (if necessary) updates to a database.

Originally posted by Bjarki Holm:
I get your point. I recommend using the Collection API, is that suits your app.

Is there anything in your book that shows interesting Data Structures that would be comparable?

Originally posted by Bjarki Holm:
why would you want that?

I was just curious. I used the empty RecordSet when doing ASP because it was easier and cleaner looking than arrays. It also allowed me to use MTS to manage the data structure on IIS. I could also use the user defined Recordset as a database update dump when the appropriate data was collected and could do cool things like sorting and getting distincts. Of course there is XSLT and the collection API in Java so I am not missing anything. Just thought it would be another tool on the batman belt.
Microsoft's ADODB.RecordSet allows a developer to build an empty RecordSet by speicfying the Field.Name,Field.Type and a row position. Being pretty new in the JDBC world, is there something comparable in JDBC?