aastha jain

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since Dec 14, 2005
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hi ,i am fresher , completed my mca this year .
i dont know how to enter in the job market. i have given
walkins in bangalore . but not selected .
i know , in india this is IT boom ,
but condition is same . now demand is high , but supply
is also high . there are so many people without job
even after IT boom in india , i dont know what should i do.
some of my friends are doing sap courses , some are learning java,
some are doing dba course , data mining and warehousing.
can anybody tell me how can i find job.
if i do these certifications scjp , scwcd .than is there
any chance i will get job .
or should i do the courses of sap.
i am very confused , what should i do . please suggest me
anyway does certification helps in getting job .
18 years ago