Deepa Jaine

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since Jan 27, 2006
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Recent posts by Deepa Jaine

Thank you Henry.

BTW, why only [1-9]? Why is digit zero not acceptable?

Digit '0' is also acceptable. I missed it by mistake.

I have used the following for the validation

Now I would like to use a single regex instead of the above 2. Can you please provide that?

14 years ago

I have a requirement to validate a field. The field should be numeric, should not contain all the same digits (like 555555, 111111) and the length is 6 chars. I need a regular expression to check this. I used [1-9] to check if it's numeric. Now I need to know how can I check if it contains all same digits.

14 years ago
Hi Chandra,

Suppose I have couple of tag files named test1.tag, test2.tag and test3.tag
located in /WEB-INF/tags/mytags, would container consider them all part
of the same tag library.

Question may sound awkward

NO, the question is not awkward.
From where did you get this question? I attempted my SCWCD exam today and a similar question was there in the exam I will write a different post regarding my exam.

[Christophe: do not post real questions]

After reading this post, I know that my answers were wrong. What does it mean by tag library, is it TLD? I thought it's a different thing. I just read that if we don't specify the tag file which is in a JAR, in a TLD, container will just ignore it. In that case answer 3 is wrong, right?

[ August 15, 2007: Message edited by: Deepa Mj ]

[ August 15, 2007: Message edited by: Christophe Verre ]
[ August 17, 2007: Message edited by: Deepa Mj ]
Hi Chandra,

As per the code given in this post, the sendRedirect should then show the new URL in the address bar, am I right?