Celestine Ezeokoye

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since Apr 07, 2006
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Recent posts by Celestine Ezeokoye

I suspect that JRuby's implementation is probably not Java ME compatible but maybe you could ask Charles Nutter and his team whether this is the case or not.

How do I go about asking him ?
17 years ago
Lots of hype on this JRuby stuff. Well I'm still very new to Ruby, in fact I came across ruby a couple of days ago and just loved it and I decided to use it with Java in my proposed project.
I'm having difficulty downloading the JRuby build and how do I configure it to work with the ruby interpreter.
Really sorry for moving far away from rails but I just need to know if I can use ruby with Java ME that is with JRuby. Which other Java platform can JRuby support?

Thanks in advance.
17 years ago
What's all I need to know?

good luck !!! Paid for mine (SCJP 5.0) today to take em on the 29th. :roll:
Can someone explain these terms

"JavBeans Naming Syntax" is is just the 'set','get','is'....... or is there any thing else?
"Given a code example, determine if a method is correctly overriding or overloading
another method, and identify legal return values (including 'covariant returns'), for the

That is the third statement in the first objective of SCJP 5.0.
Can someone evplain what 'covariant returns' means.
Hello 'gurus'
Just want to know if anyone can give me an indept of the work of the StringBuilder class.
Heard that it is an asynchronous class that works like the StringBuffer but I need more..... .
Expecting your response

(edited topic title - no need to shout)
[ August 08, 2006: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
Hello, Why really did Sun Microsystems introduce SCJA.
Hey you've got to know the UML to really develop "solid" applications. Does necessarily one have to take it before the SCJP Examination?
17 years ago