Prashant Deshani

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since May 03, 2006
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Recent posts by Prashant Deshani

I am not able to use the reset button as specified.
I have tried the code that is written above but it gives me the error that
object does not support this property or method.
I am using IE 6.0.
While I try to open the page in mozilla firefox it is not giving me any error while I click the image but nothing happens i.e. it does not reset anything.

Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Deshani
Hi Ben,
Thanks for replying.
I have searched for the file "hosts" and I found one in the folder
"C:\I386" and "C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc".
But both of these files have entry for lacalhost and also it is not commented.
17 years ago
Hi Ben,
Thanks for replying.
I have searched for the file "hosts" and I found one in the folder
"C:\I386" and "C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc".
But both of these files have entry for lacalhost and also it is not commented.
17 years ago
Yes Ben the link you gave me is working.
But how can I check for the firewall.
If it is the case then shall I have to run my applications from the port you have specified.

Because I am going to configure tomcat with Eclipse using tomcat plugins
and will start tomcat from there only.

So can you please tell me how shall I run my tomcat project?

17 years ago
I have installed tomact 4.1.18 and j2sdk1.4.1_02 in the following directories:
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1

And I have set the following envoironment variables as:
CATALINA-HOME : C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1
JAVA_HOME : C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02

After doing this I am starting tomcat server and it seems to be wroking fine.
but while I load the page http://localhost:8080/ it is giving the error that server connection was closed.
Error - 64 : Host is not available.

Can anyone help me and tell what this error is.

17 years ago