Lukas Zuchowski

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since Jul 13, 2006
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Recent posts by Lukas Zuchowski

Hi !

I've just passed SCJP with score 88%.

I was preparing mostly in my spare time (after work) about 3-4 weeks.
I read K&B book & made 8 of 11 JQPlus exams (my scores was in range of 70 - 82%).

The time I had on exam was 210 min.
A person form exam. center said It was 210 not 175 becouse English is not my native language.
But even 175 is enough, becouse I've finished an hour earlier.

I'm very happy with my score and I'm going to celebrate it today with my Wife !


Lukasz Zuchowski
16 years ago
It's possible to pay via credit card (VISA, MASTERCARD etc).

In EU it's 22% of VAT.

They are sending You order id to your email adress. Then You are downloading software form the site.
When You will run JQPlus for the first time It will ask You for order id and email address and then program will download licence from the server.

There are no shipping cost couse You are only buying a licence key. The software You can download from the internet for free.
page 233 (table3-3)

Doe to this table java.lang.Short class doesn't have toString(primitive, radix) method, but acutaly it does :, int)

I've checked it in errata but it wasn't mentioned.
Thanks a lot Bert.

So assuming on SCJP are:
- single answer questions
- mulit-answer question (with amount of correct answers)
- ??

"Fill all the blank" are those "puzzel" questions or a questions where you have to "type in" something ?
I bought a JQPluse for scjp 5.

My first attempt (without reading K&B Threads Chapter) was 69%, but I've got 2 year of expirence in Java.

In JQPluse in multiple-answer questions is (almost always or always) information, about the amount of correct answers.
Is that the same on SCJP proximety software ? (In K&B Study Guide was usualy information to "choose all that aplay")
Does anybody saw a screenshots from SCJP application.
I don't want do see questions but the "form" that they are presented.

Is the code formated ?
Is the code syntax colored ?
Are lines numbered ?

I know that this things may look unimportant to many of You, but when code is unformated (or formated in ugly way) it takes more time to read them.
I'm also just curious how it looks.

My second question is about mock exams.
I did some mocks on (non-exam test) but they look pretty easy.
Does anybody know any other sites where I can find free mocks ?
I was searching on "saloon" but I didn't found anything more than JQ++ and Whizzlab SCJP (but they are not for free, so I'm not intrested).
It's concurency issue.
I usualy prints "Techno", but when I was following the execution in debuger,
the thread that program was starting by "start();" has finished execution before "System.out.println(sName)" was executed and the result was : "Techno 1 2 3 4".
In conclusion I think we can't be sure what will be printed in this case.

ps. but definitly nothing that starts from "Techno Park"
java.lang.String obejcts are immutable.
So in static "method" you are no changing obejct's value witch is pointed by "s" reference.
You just sign a new object to the "s" reference.

e.g. (List type was chosen on purpose, couse it better shows what's going on) :

by analogic, on String:

Thanks, I'm looking forward for next version of my favorite IDE
Sorry my question was unclear.

I mean that e.g. :
in IntalliJ RALT + l = format code
instandard polish keybord layout we recieve pressing RALT + l a polish letter ł.
Generaly in polish language we recive speclial letters pressing RALT + letter and i think it's the same in other languages that have sepcial letters.
IntelliJ is maping right ALT to shortcuts but in languages that have special letters (like polish) they are usualy mapped to e.g. RALT+l, RALT+e etc.
Is any simple way to unmap RALT from shurtcuts (I know, i can manualy change every single shortcut) ?
Maby at next version of IntelliJ you can think about it
