john hopkins

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since Aug 03, 2006
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Recent posts by john hopkins

Today i have bought the
question booklet.
So far it looks good. I also use the simulation.
The questions listed in the previous entries from the 'examhouse simulator's trial version' are absolutely irrelevent to the SCEA exam.

You will not get any questions on these subjects.

Hi Sanjeev,
I just downloaded examhouse simulator's trial version and there were questions like

1. Which layer of switching makes no modification of the data packet?
2. ________ is a ongestion vaoidance method that unconditionally drops packets when a queue is full?
3. What are the two ways to configure VLAN memberships?
4. What are the criteria that STP uses to chose a path?
5. Type in command to enable STP on VLAN4
6. Stativ VLANs offer MAC address based memberships.
7. Which of the following functions can a multilayer switch perform?
8. In which of the following STP state, a port can send and receive BPDUs, learn MAC address, and send and receive data?

I am not sure which exam objectives these questions fall into?

Please check and then only buy it.

And if you have already bought, then please share the experience about the rest of the questions.
I found the pdf useful - great to use on the bus.
All these products were ok - but you should just choose the media type that best suits you.
It's not just a question about which is best - they all have their merits.

What you need to decide is what practical approach works best for you.
Do you want a paper based approach that you can use of the bus or train or in the canteen? Or do you want an interactive computer based approach?

They are all of the same quality but use different approaches.