Vj Reddy

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since Sep 28, 2006
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Recent posts by Vj Reddy

weblogic.servlet.jsp.CompilationException@150ed18 ==> weblogic.servlet.jsp.CompilationException: Failed to compile JSP /ClosedCustomerFile.jsp
ClosedCustomerFile.jsp:988:20: The page failed validation from validator: "Encountered illegal body of tag "fmt:formatNumber" tag, given its attributes.".
<fmt:formatNumber value="${invoiceDetail.itemRate}" type= <c:if test="${invoiceDetail.rentalDailyPercentage== 'P'}">"percent"</c:if> />

Hi! please help to append the 'percent' as an attribute in the 'fmt' tag satisfying the inner condition. Thanks!
13 years ago
Why there wasn't a AddressException when passed to the Constructor InternetAddress(emailAddress) which parses to see for RFC822 format?
16 years ago

We receive the below error while we are sending an email to 'dpmathew@it/matrix.com'.

javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed; nested exception is: javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses;
nested exception is: javax.mail.SendFailedException: 501 5.1.3 Invalid address thrown from Error sending an email

My question here, Is this exception an occurance of an invalid email address since 'dpmathew@it/matrix.com' is not in RFC822 format? or is it trying to send email to a valid address and unable to deliver?

But a note here, we validated the email but it is not checking for the '/' in the email domain, but we are sending this inside the constructer 'InternetAddress(emailAddress)' which i beleive shld check for the RFC822 format and throw an AddressException. but this didn't happen. Any thoughts? Thanks.
16 years ago
I'm using the weblogic 8.1 sp5 and I have a problem while retrieving the request url from the HttpServletRequest object, the getRequestURL() method always returns an URL with port no 80 even if I run it from my local 7001 port or some other port. pls advice.

17 years ago
I'm using the weblogic 8.1 sp5 and I have a problem while retrieving the request url from the HttpServletRequest object, the getRequestURL() method always returns an URL with port no 80 even if I run it from my local 7001 port or some other port. pls advice.

17 years ago
I'm using the weblogic 8.1 sp5 and I have a problem while retreving the request url from the HttpServletRequest object, the getRequestURL() method always returns an URL with port no 80 always even if i deploy it on my local 7001 port or some other port. pls advice.

17 years ago
I was trying to retreive the destination URL or the endpoint of webservice in my code,This is simply for my logging purpose,I am using Axis1.1 here is there any way that I can retreive the URI with the messageContext object in Axis?

17 years ago
Thnx for the replies!
17 years ago
You mean like moving the
results.put("RequestInformation", requestInformation.toString());
below the
results = xpathMiner.mineData(requestMessage);
17 years ago
HashMap results = new HashMap();
StringBuffer requestInformation = new StringBuffer();
requestInformation.append( request.getRequestURL().toString());
requestInformation.append( " SOAPAction : "+request.getHeader("SOAPAction")+ " : ");
if (AppServerInfo.getCurrentServerInfo() != null) {
requestInformation.append(" Request Handled By Server At : IP Address : "+ AppServerInfo.getCurrentServerInfo().getBindAddress().trim() );
requestInformation.append(" and Port # "+ AppServerInfo.getCurrentServerInfo().getListenPort() );

results.put("RequestInformation", requestInformation.toString() );

try {
results = xpathMiner.mineData(requestMessage); // returns HashMap
catch (XpathMinerException e) {
LOG.warn("Error mining data.", e);

In the above code ;

results.put("RequestInformation", requestInformation.toString() );
results has a key value pair , whil forwarding to the next line

results = xpathMiner.mineData(requestMessage);
which returns a HashMap and is stored in results,

My questions here is when compiling the second line results is no more having the earlier value of RequestInformation, It only has the new set of values returned by the method
xpathMiner.mineData(requestMessage);// this returns a HashMap.

How can i Make sure the the old RequestInformation values are in the HashMap
17 years ago
I am using old version of Axis version 1.1

I have a problem while retreving the below.

Integer Irc = (Integer) soapMessageContext.getProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_STATUS_CODE)

Irc here is aways a null.

Is this the problem with the Oldversion of Axis?

Pls advice.
17 years ago
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 14:58:15 GMT
Content-Length: 2100
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: Close

How can we capture the above header info from the response object.
Just want capture the status code to know the type of error.
Pls advice.

17 years ago
Sorry I was bit unclear here,
Actual task is to [B]log the Status header[/B] from the response, to depict whether it is a sucess or failure.
17 years ago
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 14:58:15 GMT
Content-Length: 2100
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: Close

How can we capture the above header info from the response object.
Just want capture the status code to know the type of error.
Pls advice.

17 years ago