Wall Schnok

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since May 31, 2001
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Recent posts by Wall Schnok

I made an .exe with Visual Caffe but to run on other pc's it request ....... some missing snj2core.dll......
why?! isn't it java platform independent ?!
21 years ago
I did it .
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(myfile,true);
It was that "true" that missed .....
21 years ago
i know only the classical
{ String pippo="C:\\myfile.txt";
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(myfile);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos);
osw.write("text inside my file");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Error here !!!");
but this one clear my file and rewrite it , but I need to add text in an existing file .
thank you.
21 years ago
ok , frank , I'll become Wally Schnok , in fact I read about the "name policy" after my registration .
22 years ago

I have a solution for this , in my JavaBean I have this function
public String readingSystemDate() {
Date data_sistema = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy");
String formatta_data_sistema = simpleDateFormat.format(data_sistema);
return formatta_data_sistema;
but the problem is that it gives me wrong months ( only the months , the days and the year values are OK ), to any refresh of the page !!! Incredible values like 45 , 44 or 56 !!!
There is another way to do the same thing ?
22 years ago
you're talking about this type of calling , right ?:
22 years ago
at least , it's possible to do it or not ?
can you give me some example ?
thanks a lot .
22 years ago

I'm calling a .jsp page with a parameter :
<a href=http://my_server/my_page.jsp?my_parameter="the_value">
I need this "the_value" in the JavaBean used by my .JSP .
Someone suggested me
that works well in my .jsp source , but not in my .java file (of my JavaBean ).
I tried :
String my_string = request.getParameter("my_parameter");
in the .java file but it tells me that ( obvious ) doesn't recognize "request" command .
What to do ?
Thanks a lot.
22 years ago