Gonella Jayprakash

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since Mar 22, 2007
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Recent posts by Gonella Jayprakash

Few questions about the URLyBird Programming Assignment:
1. In the Network Mode-How is the name and path of the Database file configured. Has the jar file (runme.jar) containing the configuration gui to be run on the remote system and the file name and path to be captured?

2. As I understand in the network mode, the runme.jar has to be installed on both the client system and the server system. Is my understanding correct?

3. The significance of the single mode flag per the assignment is:
Server - Indicates the server program must run
Alone - Standalone Mode - Client GUI and the database are in the same system
Left Out Entirely - The network client and gui must run.
The following are the two scenarios. Please correct if I am wrong:-
Standalone Mode: java -jar runme.jar "alone"(Because database and client GUI are running on the same system.)
Network Mode: On the client system -> java -jar runme.jar
On the remote system -> java -jar runme.jar "server"

Does this mean Network Client and GUI are same as mentioned in the Left Out Entirely "flag"?

4. In the begining of the assignment, in the paragraph important note about automatic failure, there is mention of the submission being analyzed by software where a specific spelling or structure is required. Can somebody please tell what does this mean?

Thanks & Regards,
I implement a JFrame and the layout for the JFrame as GridBagLayout. When I add a component to the JFrame and gridx=0 and gridy=0, it is being placed at the centre of the JFrame. Now I move the component to customize but I am unable to. Even on changing the gridx and gridy, I am unable to move the component.

I am also unable to pre-define the GridBagLayout grid by defining the columnwidths and rowheights for the GridBagLayout. This way I think by altering the gridx and gridy, I can move the component in the JFrame.

Any pointers as to what I am doing wrong?

Thanks & Regards,
16 years ago
The programming assignment specifically mentions:
It must be composed exclusively with components from the Java Foundation Classes (Swing components)

But in the implementation I am to use certain AWT classes, for example GRIDBAGLAYOUT and GRIDBAGCONSTRAINTS. Can I use these classes in the implementation of the GUI?

I have searched the forums for the answers and I could find that the above classes can be used.
I just wanted to make sure that the information is latest. So I am posting the question.

Thanks & Regards,
I have been able to parse the data file. But I have one question regarding the 2 byte flag that indicates whether the record is valid or deleted. I am not able interpret correctly:
The flag is 2 bytes. If it is deleted record, then it will be stored as 0x8000 (per the assignment). But how can 2 bytes (that is the size of the flag) store 0x8000.

I have downloaded the SCJD programming assignment. Just wanted to ensure I have understood correctly. This question may have been asked earlier. Just wanted to save my time. When I extracted the contents of the zip file, the data file db-1x2 is a database file. When I try to open the file through Notepad, there are some binary characters at the beginging of the file. I have the following questions:
1. Are we to access the file from the Java code, using RandomAccessFile APIs as has been discussed in the forum?
2. What application is suggested for viewing the file?
3. How to differentiate between the various records in the database file? Is it something I have to device? Or is there any thumb rule that I need to know?
