Aaron Jones

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since Aug 01, 2007
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Further to Orjan's post: Hibernate OGM seems to be in its infancy where it comes to support for NoSQL outside of Infinispan. What other ORM's are out there that provide broader NoSQL DB support?
12 years ago
More than simply Domain knowledge, I feel it helps significantly when an Architect has some level of business savvy. To some degree I suppose this encapsulates a level of social grace, though I don't know that acquiring those soft skills is the point of having a "head for business".

Sometimes an architectural decision can be made that is perfectly sound from a technical perspective and it even seems to fit the business needs - those needs, as stated by the business, often carry an implied level of knowledge that isn't captured in a requirements document or visible as an artifact of the business itself. There is a reason why the perception of IT project failure rates hovers in the 50% range at any given time, and I wouldn't be surprised if this has something to due with the that lack of "insider knowledge" and general understanding of business exhibited by some Architects.
12 years ago