Gert Tomas

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since Aug 18, 2007
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Recent posts by Gert Tomas

Ok. In the getCurrentTip() method the string I return is "<b>abcdefg</b>".
In the jsp when I use c:out, the html code when I run it is : but nothing is displayed in the browser.
I've got a bean with a getCurrentTip() method that returns a string.
In a jsp I've got a <jsp:useBean> tag with an id=pageInfo for that bean.
If I say : it prints out fine , but if I say : it does not print anything.
Can anyone tell me why ?

Good pass is pass

How was exam difficulty compared with K&B mocks ?

easier harder ?

I think if you can get the K&B questions right then thats a good start. I did about 3 Enthuware practise exams, I highly recommend doing some practise exams because as everybody says if you can pass them then you can pass the real exam.
15 years ago
I just passed SCJP 6 with 66%. A bit to close for comfort but what a relief. I studied using mainly SCJP 5 guide by Sierra/Bates but did the SCJP 6 exam so I could have spent a bit more time on the new stuff that was added for version 6.
I could have done a bit better if I delayed the exam but I guess a pass is a pass.
15 years ago
Whoops, the correct answer is :
One cannot be certain whether any of the letters i, j and k will be printed during execution.
Mmmm, ok. In the main method there are two instances of TestClass made, so they 'share' the instances of Object that are made because the Objects created here are static, if they were not static then each instance would have its own seperate Objects and they could'nt block each other ?

If I'm correct, then just as a matter of interest, could I use any object instead of an instance of class Object like they did in the example ?
Sorry, but I dont get it. Whats the significance of the fact that they are static ?
Example from Enthuware mock test :

The answer is :
One can be certain that none of the letters i, j and k will ever be printed during execution.

My question is how do you decide what object to synchronize on ? In the above example they synchronized on what seems to me to be an object that has got nothing to do with the rest of the code.
In the above example, could I make an instance of any class I have, lets say for example class Animal and then synchronize on that instead of Object to do the above code ?

I guess I'm a bit confused when to synchronize on an object (and what object) and when to synchronize on 'this'.

Is there some concept I'm not getting here ?
I went onto the Sun website to try to buy an exam voucher with my credit card, but when enter my credit card details and click submit it keeps on saying there is a problem with the credit card number,credit card details or billing address but I checked those details and it is correct.

Has this happened to anybody? What can I do ?
I am now trying to get it to run the compiled file.
Everything is still the same as in the first post except the build.xml looks like this:

The error when I enter 'ant run' is :

Any advice ?
16 years ago
Thanks, cant believe I missed that.
16 years ago
I've started learning ant and need some advice on this.
My directory structure is as follows:

The code for is :

My build.xml is :

When I try run 'ant'

I see its complaining about package1 being there but it should be there because its in the package1 folder ?
Any advice ?
16 years ago