wang jiajian

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since Sep 20, 2007
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Recent posts by wang jiajian

you must understand java classpath means.

classpath is the key of your question.if you understand it,you can get answer by yourself.
check your system variable and make sure your classpath is right.
in redirect, lost original request

in forward ,keep original request.

just so so
16 years ago

when we wan`t use one method() of interface A like c(),but i don't want implment all method().

so you need a adapter to implment all method of interface A,the method in adapter do nothing like

when we have one adapter ,you can extend it and overriding thr method which you wan`t use.
16 years ago
please google adapter
16 years ago
You should understand MVC .

please use jsp as the view only,why do you wan`t insert java code in you jsp?

why not use jstl?why not use tag?

you`d better don`t type method in your jsp.
16 years ago
MVC MODEL1 jsp+javabean

use the jsp as both the Controller and the view.

model2 jsp+servlet+javabean

use jsp as the view only

use servletas the Controller only
16 years ago
why not use connection pool?
[ November 16, 2007: Message edited by: wang jiajian ]