Will Ezell

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since Sep 24, 2007
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Web/Database Application Developer wanted by Dotmarketing Inc. to assist in development, deployment and maintenance of open source web applications. Lang: Java & J2EE std. HTML, JavaScript/DHTML, Applications/ Web server & scripting language knowledge required. Database design and administrative experience required. Computer Eng. Bachelor's degree or 10 yrs of experience . Competitive salary offered.

* Plan, develop, test, and document computer programs, applying knowledge of object oriented programming techniques: Evaluate user requests for new or modified programs using HTML, JavaScript/DHTML/AJAX and knowledge of Application Servers, Web Servers and scripting languages;
* Involved in development, deployment and maintenance of databases and web applications, developed in Java and conform to J2EE standards; good knowledge of following Java technologies and specifications: J2EE, Portlet spec., Struts, Tiles, Hibernate and Lucene.
* Oversee installation of software and hardware.
* Determine system perform standards;
* Confers with other engineering and technical personnel to resolve questions of program intent, inaccuracy, feasibility, data input and output requirements of computer processing;
* Analyze, reviews, and rewrites information programs to increase efficiency, to determine, recommend, plan or adapt specific computer program layouts, and peripheral equipment to new modifications;
* Supervise and work with systems analysts, engineers, programmers and others to design system and to obtain information on project limitations and capabilities, performance requirements and interfaces;
* Develop and direct software system testing and validation procedures, programming, and documentation;
* Modify existing software to correct errors, allow it to adapt to new hardware, or to improve its performance;
* Obtain and evaluate information on factors such as reporting formats required, costs, and security needs to determine hardware configuration;
* Store, retrieve, and manipulate data for analysis of system capabilities and requirements;
* Develop or maintain databases on a day-to-day operations. Knowledge over the following database managers: mySQL, postgres, MS Sql Server and Oracle.

Specific Skills: Knowledge of HTML, JavaScript/DHTML/AJAX, J2EE, Portlet spec., Struts, Tiles, Hibernate and Lucene, Database Management for: mySQL, postgres, MS Sql Server and Oracle
[ September 24, 2007: Message edited by: Will Ezell ]
16 years ago