hiran wijesinghe

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since Sep 30, 2007
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Recent posts by hiran wijesinghe

there are 100 students in my database. if i add field as usual all records come with 4 pages. I want to get all records in to single A4 page.by 4 columns(25 records * 4). Please help me to get all these records in a single page using printed records horizontaly or giving conditions for each column.
when i use printwhen expression, it will give blank space for the record which not maching for the condition.as a result i unable to achieve my task.

Anyone Please help me to do this task with clear example.I'll thankfull if you can send me a sample regarding above matter to whiran@gmail.com .

thank you.


[ October 16, 2008: Message edited by: hiran wijesinghe ]
[ October 16, 2008: Message edited by: hiran wijesinghe ]
Dear friends ,if one of you have whizlab simulator for SCMAD certification pls send me the links and pw and other relavant serials.Actually i don't have money to byea simulator. pls help me .
16 years ago
Dear friends,
Please send a SCMAD Examme preparation Wizzlab simulator and any mock examme.There are some stimulator by wizlab and ucertified Trial versions. If you know any Serials and activaton keys please send me .