satish kumar chandran

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since Nov 22, 2007
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Recent posts by satish kumar chandran

Hi All

I've cleared SCJP 5.0 with 81%
16 years ago
Thanks Kelvin.

It helped me to get it clear.

I've another query reg this.I want to know like,how JVM handles extends and reference variable in memory allocation.

Thanks in Advance...
16 years ago

Originally posted by satish kumar chandran:
What is the main difference between extending a class ,accessing its methods and creating a reference variable and accessing the class methods?

Could you make it more clearer...
Also,how JVM handles it when Extending and Creating a Reference Variable.
16 years ago

Originally posted by satish kumar chandran:
What is the main difference between extending a class ,accessing its methods and creating a reference variable and accessing the class methods?

Could you make it more clearer...
Also,how JVM handles it when Extending and Creating a Reference Variable.
16 years ago
What is the main difference between extending a class ,accessing its methods and creating a reference variable and accessing the class methods?
16 years ago
What is the main difference between extending a class ,accessing its methods and creating a reference variable and accessing the class methods?
16 years ago