Jeff Chisolm

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since Dec 05, 2007
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Recent posts by Jeff Chisolm

Thanks so much for the advise Campbell! So let me ask you this then, is there a great demand for people to develop websites using the languages you listed below? Would I have a hard time finding work if I learned HTML, PERL and Javascript? I would also assume these are much easier to learn then Java itself?

Thanks again!
16 years ago
I am brand new to the technology world! I am 35 and will be going back to school in January to obtain an assoc. degree in website design/programming. But I want to go ahead and start learning on my own at home. What is the very best book to read and one that will give all sorts of exercises to do so that I can learn Java as quickly as possible to get into the workforce? And one more question, how much experience will I need to obtain a position programming in Java for websites and so forth? Any help you can give for this newbie to the computer programming world would be awesome.

16 years ago
I am brand new to the technology world! I am 35 and will be going back to school in January to obtain an assoc. degree in website design/programming. But I want to go ahead and start learning on my own at home. What is the very best book to read and that will give all sorts of exercises to do so that I can learn Java as quickly as possible to get into the workforce? And one more question, how much experience will I need to obtain a position programming in Java for websites and so forth? Any help you can give for this newbie to the computer programming world would be awesome.

16 years ago