Sahana Hegde

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since Jan 27, 2008
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Recent posts by Sahana Hegde

I want to know some which are very compatible with Jboss.
15 years ago
Hi All,

Is anyone using a free content management system with JBoss?

Can you please suggest which is better among the free CMS tools?


15 years ago
I noticed this.
If I add

in my I do not get the exception. But the job does not execute either.

Thanks a lot.

But for some reason it is not allowing me to attach .xml or .txt or .html or .zip format.
This is the entire code I have in jobs.xml

Thanks for the reply.

I tried to validate xml in Dreamweaver. I have attached the results I got.
How can I correct them?

Hi All,

I am trying to use the plugins provided by Quartz.
This is my

This is the jobs.xml

I have this code in my Web.xml

This the exception I am getting when I start the server, I tried the solution provided on the internet but the entry was the same as the solution provided.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the reply.

I found this example for quartz plugins in onjava.

But I found another example in the links you guys posted. I was using it incorrectly.

Has anyone used quartz plugins?. Is it better to use plugins or write a servlet or a listener.


I am trying the example

If I deploy both in my web application in forlder src->com.xp.ct.schedule , How can I run the scheduler.
I tried the XML method but its not working

Dos anyone have any examples ?
has anyone implemented qurtz in a web app?
thanks for the reply.

Basically the jsp or java class has to be run and it has to check start date and end date for each record in the database
and generate the following emails.

(Run Daily once) end date - curr date < 7 Email Type A
(Run Weekly once) end date - curr date <30 Email Type B
(Run Monthly Once) end date - curr date <60 Email Type C
(Run Once in last 3 months) end date - curr date <90 Email Type D

The operating system used is Windows, so cron is not an option.
15 years ago
Hi All,

Would like your opinion on which scheduler is better to use.
Also is there any other scheduler that is better than both?

15 years ago
I tried retaining only this code to check if it finishes loading.

Still the same, keeps loading the page.