Rumy Arora

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since Jan 31, 2008
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Recent posts by Rumy Arora

I am talking with a consulting company that is offering to send me
to the U.S on a j1 visa. Although I'm not completely seriously considering it but I'm also not opposed to just seeing what they have to offer.

I asked this company to forward me a few references of past or
present employees that have gone through their company but they
refused and said no other company does this and they have to protect their privacies.

My question is, can we ask for references from such companies? How else is one to do verifications on their genuineness.

(A j1 is almost like an h1b, ie: allows you to work except its valid for 12-18 months and does not lead to a green card)

[ August 07, 2008: Message edited by: Rumy Arora ]
15 years ago
I was called up by a company in U.S. and they offered to train me in a specific technology and then be employed(by them) on a J1 Visa. The training is supposed to be for one month after which I will be on their payrolls. My question is it legal for a client company to use services of a company that employs people on J1? Is the client company only interfacing with the consulting company or is it also supposed to check this detail about visa status of each and every person?
15 years ago
I am in the process of downloading the Websphere Portal 6.1 beta. What books/tutorials do I have to refer to learn how to drive this thing?
15 years ago
Hi All,

I am looking for a job in a medium to large size company which is not based in Gurgaon or Noida (as it It would be very hard for me to commute to NCR region everyday) but in Delhi where I have just shifted. Could anyone list me some companies or point me to a link where I can find and shortlist?

Also, If I do look for a job in NCR region do companies offer a cab or some kind of a pick and drop to ferry it workers? Is this safe though, especially for women?

[BPSouther: Modified to conform with JR's naming policy]
[ February 02, 2008: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]
16 years ago