Cloud Lai

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since Jul 09, 2001
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Recent posts by Cloud Lai

thank all of you (and the explaination from Mark )
you are all very nice people
I am a Taiwaner and I am not good in English, Sorry.
So I have to thank all guys here for great help!
and specially thank to Ken, Miftan, provided very userful resources.
because I can`t find resources in Chinese as well as I used in preparation for SCJP.
Well, I think I could share some exp. with you, though I got not a very good score.
1. both Servlet and JSP spec. are the MOST IMPORTANT, I read each twice. I got some question in the exam, which never mentioned in Ken or Miftan`s notes, and I thought it was not important. Fortunately I glanced over the spec.
2. I got 100% from Design Pattern(just lucky..), you should read all the patterns written in Miftan`s JSP notes
3.I got several questions in the exam about distributed environment(session management), and JavaBeans but very few in Tag.
4. I got 0% in servlet-safe, but I don`t know why.
I remember 1 of them:
DO NOT post actual questions!!!
5. I got 2 questions about very deep element of TLD. you should at least read all of them once.
I remember:
DO NOT post actual questions!!!
(these 2 are not very deep, but I got 1 very deep in the exam)
and I got 1 API question,
DO NOT post actual questions!!!
Finally, I think SCWCD is a little easier than SCJP. I prepared SCWCD for 2 weeks, but I have exp in servlet and jsp for 6 months.
Again, Thanks all of you for GREAT Help!!
Wish all got certified successfully!
[ March 31, 2002: Message edited by: Cloud Lai ]
[ April 01, 2002: Message edited by: Carl Trusiak ]
first thank to Axel Janssen, I will keep on studying!
and I would say sorry to Madhav Lakkapragada, because it looks like I have 2 account?? "cloud" and "cloud lai", both I can login with. please cancel the account:"cloud". I don`t know how to delete it by myself
Dear Jane Griscti
thank you for your reminding me, I have changed my register today.
22 years ago