ioanis siafu

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since Feb 06, 2008
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The class was I was searching for is PrintWriter and here is an useful link.
PrintWriter example
16 years ago
I read last week that System.out is not recommended for printing into console and that should be used for simple testing. Is there another class instead Console for printing into Console?
16 years ago
What classes other than System.out exist for printing into console?
16 years ago
I was wrong in my explications. The modulus of the two numbers added is 256.
168 has the 10101000 representation in binary. I think that the first byte(1) means it is a negative number. Then the bits of the number left (0101000) will be inversed. 0101000 -> 1010111. 1010111 is 88 in binary. The same happens with 128. 128 is represented 10000000 in binary. Fallowing this rule from 10000000 (- minus because the first digit is one)and inversing the rest of the number we obtain 1111111(127 in decimal). I don't know if this rule remains for large numbers.