Shrikant Kesarkar

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since Feb 08, 2008
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might be mysql database engine problem i.e. the code you are using
for saving object is not in accordance with mysql engine which is in use.
Try changing from innodb to myisam or vice versa.
As far as I know these vouchers are valid for any exam starting with 310-
,you can even schedule SCBCD exam with it.It all depends on which exam you schedule.
Only criteria is voucher expiry.
When you are refreshing a page the http event like "/" (assuming
struts flow) is getting fired again as before refreshing the page the
url which made employee record insertion before page refresh is still there
in browsers address bar.There couldn't be new entry if you were editing existing field , I mean "/" kinda functionality.
Whatever happening is quiet natural only instead of you clicking on "submit"
button and in turn it resulting into corresponding action(in this case / directly firing this http event.
But why do you need to refresh your pade anyway?
15 years ago