Ella Malone

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since Jun 09, 2008
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Recent posts by Ella Malone

Kelly IT Resources is seeking a motivated MS Computer Science graduate to work as a Performance Engineer with one of our clients.

This is a Direct Hire Opportunity!

In this position, you will participate in planning, development and release of new products. Our client is looking for an engineer who likes to drive testing for performance and quality. This company focuses on quality. It is all about white box distributed test development and developing a deep understanding of the core product.

Your responsibilities include:

* Design, development and implementation of complex functional, performance, and scalability tests and test frameworks in Java

* Running tests, analyzing problems and performance, and identifying and resolving shortcomings

* You will be working on a small team of engineers on a daily basis.

Required skills include:

* MS Computer Science or equivalent, with coursework or experience in distributed systems.

* Strong Java programming skills

* Experience of knowledge in Java white box testing is required

* Knowledge or experience in writing multithreaded applications

* Knowledge of memory profilers and memory debuggers is a plus.

All candidates must be able to provide evidence that they are authorized to work in the United States.

Interested candidates should send resume in Word format to malonex@kellyservices.com
15 years ago