Gourav Panda

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since Jun 11, 2008
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Recent posts by Gourav Panda

But one advantage we will get if we can reduce the size of the JDK is that.
The look up for the class loading will be very fast.

It means, suppose VM want to load Class A, He has to find the class defination from a poll of classes.
So, the searching will be faster, if we reduce the number of class in the poll.
14 years ago

Yes Campbell You are correct, Class loaded only on demand!!
So if we reduce the size of JDK or not it does not matter!!

14 years ago
So, Now comes a compairision, JDK 1.1 VS JDK1.6 with Kernel
14 years ago
2 good piece of information. Thanks!!
Java Karnel is in JDK 1.6, and Java SE embadded is not free?? I am not sure.

Actually the existing system uses JDK 1.1, Can I apply these concept you explained for JDK 1.0 as well?
14 years ago

I used only few API of JDK, and as I am working in embedded Environment I have very less Space in Memory.
Can any one suggest if I can reduce the size of the JDK to an optimum position so that only my Used API will be available.

Please share yours knowledge.

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago

I have already got Ejb in action book,
Can anyone tell me, if its require to read all the chapters from this book or can we leave some of the chapters?

I have found SCBCD "Exam Objectives" from SUN site, which I thinks cover less then what this book contain.

Can anyone guide me in this.
