vijayendra sandeep vulligundam

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since Jul 29, 2008
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Recent posts by vijayendra sandeep vulligundam

Thank you very much for the reply.

I have used Init() method.i have used around 16 tabs which acts as different classes for each i need to convert this who;e application into an exe.I am not aware how to do this?And am new to java..but i have managed to create tabs using swings.

Please help me how to make this into an exe.
I have used jpanel,japplet. and jtabbedpane. i have not used jframes.
15 years ago
hi All,

I have created a Application in JApplet using swings.When i need to open the application i need to go to CMD and complie the program.I want to convert this application to an exe ,so that i can double click that and make the application to work.
Could you please help me how to convert Applet Program into an Exe?


15 years ago
yes you are correct the address in the addressbar is not changing
I am very sorry that I couldnt fine Html forum so I am posting this in Jsp forum.My problem is i have used frame for a webpage which has header.html,footer.html,body.html.And i have many link on body.html.My problem is when i click on the link am able to navigate to the respective page,but the address bar is showing the same old fiel name.Its not changing.How to overcome this issue.I have used only Html .Please suggest me
i have a webpage where i have used 3 frames headerframe.html and footerframe.html and middleframe.html in my problem is i have hyperlink in middleframe.html which navigates to another page.i have added frame to the otherpages also.So am getting 2headers and 2 footers when i navigate to other webpages.How to solve this issue...kindly guide me..
i have inserted date in table but iam unable to retrive it...please help me to retrive that and dispaly it in a jsp...i have the query to retrive but i dont know how to get that date and print it in my jsp page.
15 years ago
i have a link in my page "REQUEST FOR YOU" and when i click on that link i need to get content from database which has already been stored using stored my problem is how i need to retrieve that and present in a table in a web page???which must have Request from (friend's name)and two buttons accept and decline.if i accept it must add in my data base.if i reject it must be deleted from my webpage...kindly help me ???
[ July 29, 2008: Message edited by: vijayendra sandeep vulligundam ]
15 years ago