Kaialsh Vashisth

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since Jul 31, 2008
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Recent posts by Kaialsh Vashisth

Congrats buddy !!!
14 years ago
14 years ago
Transfer Object means An object which contains multiple fields data like you have EmployeeInfo thats contains name ,empCode and many others.
Now you call suppose getEmpInfo() method from ejb client(may be servlet) it fatch the whole info in one shot ,then on client (may be servlet) you just call getName(),getEmpCode() ... so these calls are local not remote.
Hi EveryOne,
Hi just cleared the scwcd with 76% i understand this is not a good score but i through.I did scjp with 90% as i was expecting 90-95% but i was not able to do that.

should i appeared again ?

give me your suggestions.
14 years ago
thanks Bauke Scholtz ,
My dear i know there is no syntax error but the special character is creating problem.
there are some ways to handle it in java too using :

java.net.URLEncoder.encode( aString, "UTF-8" ) and
java.net.URLDecoder.decode( aString, "UTF-8" ).

but these function are not able to handle character's which are not English charset.
if i am not wrong it can be handled using StringEscapeUtils (Lang 2.3 API). which is part of java not javascript.

so the special characters can be handled on both side client as well as server.
please guys suggest me which one is good option .
1)Not accepting non English Charset
2)Handling using StringEscapeUtils

15 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
I am facing problem in handling special characters like "Más información." .suppose this word is entered in the free text box, then one way is to give error message to user by using javascript function

function isValid(delNo)
var ValidChars= "01234567889abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzAB...Z";
var Char;
var txtsize = delNo;
for(i = 0; i < txtsize.length; i++)
Char = txtsize.charAt(i);
if( ValidChars.indexOf(Char)== -1)
return false;
return true;

but i want to handle it , as user enter it should stored in database and entact displayed to user .but if i handling it using javascript for dispaly using string quotes "". it will give string terminated error.

please suggest best way to handle it.
15 years ago
Hi all, i did scjp 5.0 with 90%. now i am willing to do scwcd 1.5 . could you please suggest me good books for that. soon answers are highly appriciated
No , you need to suppy the index numbers ie integer values for correnponding columns.

1. <%@ include file ="/common/abc.html" %> include page at translation time ,so should be present at translation.

2. <jsp:include page="<%=request.getParameter("filename")%>" > - include at request time or run time , not at translation time

so your answer is - D. <%@ include file='/common/menu.html' %>
yeah ...I just talked about standard way of Configuring Listeners in DD.
thanks .Christophe Verré.
good link
Yeah ,you need to provide <listener></listener> tag in web.xml ,which holds the class path of your class which implements the appropriate listener ..

Kailash vashisth
scjp 5.0
HI everyOne,
i cleared the scjp with 90% score, very helpful book by kathy & bert . i read it only one solve some mock test and i am through. could you please tell me when i will got my SCJP logo , so that i will make my cv more bright. very thanks for ranchers..

15 years ago