Ikram Shahzad

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since Aug 04, 2008
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Recent posts by Ikram Shahzad

Hi All,

We got a requirement where we need upgrade an application as follows

Technology Existing version To be converted
Java 1.4.2 to 1.6
Web logic 8.1 SP3 to 10.3
EJB 2.1 to 3.0

WebLogic 10.3 supports EJB3.0 Spec. But i read elsewhere the EJB3.0 is backward compatible with EJB2.0 and EJB1.0
Is this right?

Please share your thoughts regarding this.
The reason in think is that the co-ordinates involves in this transaction are unreachable by second phase....

I am using two different ISP connection for each branch and There is difference in the latency rates....

The timeout by default is set to 30sec. i increase it to even 6 minutes but still transaction time out error occurs.

Q: if there is latency issue how can i resolve it?

second issue is that when ever i change IP of any server and request for customer balance ..... its shows me the message server in the co-ordinates not found and displaying the information of old IP in it.....

i restart all the servers but still same issue....

then i delete the *.tlog in application server of each branch and head office its works fine...

Q: so whenever i have to change the IP of a server i have to delete *.tlog files to?

15 years ago
i am using weblogic 8.1 and having 3 application server (Branch A,Branch B,Head Office) and these server are running independently and having there own database D-A, D-B, D-C

Step 1: Branch A request the Information for customer from Branch B and send this request To Head Office
Step 2: Head Office have the information to connect with Branch B and using this information it Connect to Branch B ans request for customer information
Step 3: Branch B gets the customer information and send it back to Head Office
Step 4: Head Office Send customer information Back to Branch A
Step 5: Then Branch A receive the information and Display The customer information Information to User

now this scenario work perfectly on LAN Environment but when i communicate these server with each other through cloud. At Step 5 The Branch A receive the information and hang out.

i think at the 2-phase of 2-phase commit protocol its hangout... and the time out message comes

please can can any one help me out.... why it hanging and not displaying the the customer information
15 years ago
thnx bro i got it... the problem was ... that i was not setting the weightx and weighty for cell and also the jpanel width was not properly set.

agaib thnx alot fo help...
15 years ago
no i have remove the committed line.here is the updated code

[ August 04, 2008: Message edited by: Ikram Shahzad ]
[ August 04, 2008: Message edited by: Ikram Shahzad ]
15 years ago
yes i have tried i but now result. the panel orientation is still left to right. do we need to change the panel orientation 2.
15 years ago
i have make the chages about weighx and weighty but the panel is comming on left-top it should be right-top
15 years ago
try this one out.

15 years ago
the icons are coming in the center of the screen i want it to be on the right side of the screen after the layout change.
[ August 04, 2008: Message edited by: Ikram Shahzad ]
15 years ago
i donot thing so. i just want to change the layout of the icons.

when i change the locale of the component it successfully change the text orientation but i want to change the layout of the panel to..
[ August 04, 2008: Message edited by: Ikram Shahzad ]
15 years ago
hi guys,

I am trying make a desktop in java. i want to localize it for different language. For english it should start from left most to right and for arabic right most to left.not in the center of screen. can any body have some suggestion about it.

15 years ago
hi guys,

I am trying make a desktop in java. i want to localize it for different language. For english it should start from left most to right and for arabic right most to left.not in the center of screen. can any body have some suggestion about it.

[ August 04, 2008: Message edited by: Ikram Shahzad ]
15 years ago