Kaushik Lele

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since Aug 10, 2008
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Recent posts by Kaushik Lele

1) Are all topics from O'Reilly book to be studied for exam?
2) In this book there is no mention of Exam objectives.
We need to understand how deep a particular chapter to be studied for
3) Kathy's book were really designed with exam perspective. Is she not
planning for any book for SCBCD 5 exam?
4) Is "EJB 3 in action" designed keeping exam objectives in mind?
If not which chapters to study from this book?

If possible please specify other books required for specific chapters.
Thank you all for such quick responce and valuable advice.

I felt very honoured by getting reply from Reza Rahman , as this is the first time I ever had communaication with any author. So thanks once again !!

Just about your advice of going to Dinner with wife...It will still take some time as I am yet to marry...probably that day will coincide with arrival of EJB4 .
As of now I need a girl friend who can teach me EJB3 very fast
congratz !! What percentage?
Which resource used?
I had started preparing for EJB exam and came to know exam for EJB2 is discontinued. And currently EJB3 is tested.

But even EJB3 release is of 2006. So very soon EJB4 or some higher version will come.

So I want to know when will next release of EJB come?
Till when giving exam of EJB3 is relevant? When will exam for EJB4 come?

So i many not start with EJB 3 and wait for EJB4 eaxm and its study material.
Thanks a lot...

I will now shift to studying EJB3. My goodness; I asked you in time.
In many posts I found tht people have referred Noted by MZ (Makalai Zaikin).

I got notes from web but it was for EJB2.
Are there such notes from EJB3? Please let me know how to get it.
When I searched on Sun.com, I could not find EJB2 exam (CX-310-090 ) listed there.
( http://www.sun.com/training/certification/java/scbcd.xml )

Has sun stopped this Certification exam?
I have bought Head First EJB(Feb 2008 Edition in India) for EJB2.0 exam

But I want to know, how relevant is EJB 2 exam in todays global s/w industry in genereal and Indian s/w market in particular.

Or should I stop EJB2 and directly jump to EJB3 exam?
But I think there will be some difficulaty in getting books for EJB 3 exam, in India.

I have passed SCJP 5 but my job is not in Java, but I wish to switch to Java. So I have decided to do this certification.
So how good this exam will be in this perspective.

Please let me know your views.
Had you not referred Kathy Sierra's book for exam?

I havent yet started study for EJB exam. But I referred her book for SCJP 5, and it was amazing. So I thought I can rely heavily on her book for this exam also.

What do you think? Wht all other members think.
Can you please suggest me which all books you used for the study