Dharmesh Patel

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since Aug 20, 2008
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Recent posts by Dharmesh Patel

Finally i got to access maven 1 repository in maven 2 projects. The thing here is: we need to put group id and artifact id same since maven 1 is not having artifiact id. put the version number that you need to pull from. It creates poms structure to access maven 1.x repo (need to add repository as snapshot (true) and type = legacy.

Hope this helps.
15 years ago

Originally posted by Anadi Misra:

Are both these repositories "internal"(hosted in your environment) to your project users or you are using the public repositories?

Hi Anadi,

There is http://repo1.maven.org/maven/ and http://repo1.xyz.com/java-maven1/repo

I have some of the jars need to access from xyz (maven 1 v3) and some of from maven central (repo1.maven 2 v4).

Firstly I need to look up my projects (xyz) server repository (which is bulit on maven 1). If not available, pull it from maven 2 central repository.

I am searching - how to access maven 1.x repository in maven 2 projects. The hint that i have is:

I wonder how to write pom dependancies to access maven 1 and 2 both.

Hope my objective is clear to you.

15 years ago
Our project requires access to maven 1 and 2 repositories since some of use 1 and others use 2.

Is there a way to access/ write a POM in maven 2 to access the dependancies/ jars from maven 1 (v3) and 2 (v4) both?

Any ideas?
15 years ago