Juan Sifuentes

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since Sep 02, 2008
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Recent posts by Juan Sifuentes

I have a string input and I know how to change it into a interget using

(interger variable) = Integer.parseInt(String variable);

How can I change a String into a float?
14 years ago
I am making a simple change program. I need to get two inputs (ammount due and payed). I am using notepad and command promt.
I learned to get 1 input by writing this in notepad

"String s = args [0];"

and I run my program and enter single input in the command prompt by entering

"java (Class name) (input statement)"

What code can I used to get one input then another?
I want to ask

Ammount Due?
(enter 1st input)
Ammount Payed?
(enter 2nd input)
14 years ago
Use parenthesis to "group" things together so they wont mix variables with both AND/OR

if ( (1 and 2) or ( 3 and 4 ) ) vs. if ( 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 )
if ( (1 or 2) and ( 3 or 4 ) ) vs. if ( 1 or 2 and 3 or 4 )

if you don't use too many parenthesis, it will make your statement easier to read and also make it a more secure from running the statement wrong.
15 years ago
I am trying to make a Java Applet Calculator. What is an applet? Do I write a normal java program and turn it into a java applet or something? or Is a applet a diffirent way to program java?
15 years ago
Hey guys, im working on a program assignment and it requires me to get input from the screen. What is a basic way to receive input so that I can use it in calculations?
15 years ago