avni singh

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since Sep 25, 2008
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Recent posts by avni singh

I am facing nearly the same problem.
I need to use the absolute path on the server.
Have you found a solution to this issue?
15 years ago
Hey Paul!
Thanks for the prompt response.
Basically, I amsetting this parameter in the System Properties in WAS.
I can retrieve the value using System.getProperty.

The problem is this paramter stores the absolute path of the server - I am uploading pictures to this path and then need to display the same on my jsp using image tag.

The picture however, does not display on the jsp when we use the absolute server path eg. C:\pics\
15 years ago
I am uploading some images to the server and then subsequently need to display these images in my JSP in a grid.

For the path, which is a parameter of the application, I want to use the server absolute path eg.


Please guide as to how I can achieve this.
For Jboss, I need to map a virtual drive to this path and then can retrieve the image using this.

Any help would be appreciated.
15 years ago
I am a newbie to WAS and urgently need help.

I have configured a new server 'Encodex_Server' using the admin console for the default server (WAS 5.1).
I am able to add a new application, and also start the Encodex_Server from the command prompt using the startserver command.

However, when I try to start my application, I get the following error on the admin console:
"The application can not be started on server Encodex_Server. Make sure the server is started."

And there is no trace for the application startup in any logs.

Urgently need a solution to this. Any help would be appreciated.
15 years ago