Nathaniel Beck

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since Dec 16, 2008
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Recent posts by Nathaniel Beck

Your book sounds great. Can't wait to read it. I'm pretty new to JSF, etc. I'm working on an application now where I need to store an ArrayList in a bean and then be able to create dynamic fields on the JSP page using that ArrayList.
14 years ago
Is there a way to dynamically loop through the languages that are currently installed on the Websphere Portal server? My boss would like a content viewer portlet that I am internationalizing to be able to automatically pick up any new languages that are installed in the portal, without me having to go back and make a code change to the portlet. For example, if they were to install the Finnish language on the Portal, I'd like to be able to detect that this language is available without having to recode the portlet.
14 years ago
Did you ever finish the quick polling portlet? I am looking to do the same thing on our site.
15 years ago