Tauqueer Ali

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 05, 2001
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My webservice request contains a tag for an integer field. When this tag is populated with an integer or when I don't include this tag in the request, the web services works fine but when I send an empty tag for this integer field, I get this NubmerFromatException in weblogic when it constructs soap request (stack trace below)

Soap Request :
<m1:AgeCodeId />

wsdl defenition for this field :
<xs:element minOccurs="1" name="AgeCodeId" nillable="true" type="xs:int" />

It doens't seem to be a problem with minOccurs="1". The issue occurs even when minOccurs="0".

Resopnse with exceptions :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<soapenv:Header />
<faultstring>For input string: ""</faultstring>
<bea_fault:stacktrace xmlns:bea_fault="http://www.bea.com/servers/wls70/webservice/fault/1.0.0" />
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
at com.bea.xbean.util.XsTypeConverter.parseIntXsdNumber(XsTypeConverter.java:642)
at com.bea.xbean.util.XsTypeConverter.parseInt(XsTypeConverter.java:624)
at com.bea.xbean.util.XsTypeConverter.lexInt(XsTypeConverter.java:268)
at weblogic.xml.dom.DOMStreamReaderExt.getIntValue(DOMStreamReaderExt.java:98)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.getIntValue(UnmarshalResult.java:411)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.IntTypeConverter.getObject(IntTypeConverter.java:27)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.BaseSimpleTypeConverter.unmarshal(BaseSimpleTypeConverter.java:39)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.LiteralUnmarshalResult.unmarshalElementProperty(LiteralUnmarshalResult.java:150)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.LiteralUnmarshalResult.extractAndFillElementProp(LiteralUnmarshalResult.java:119)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.ByNameUnmarshaller.deserializeContents(ByNameUnmarshaller.java:48)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.AttributeUnmarshaller.unmarshal(AttributeUnmarshaller.java:38)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.unmarshalBindingType(UnmarshalResult.java:174)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.unmarshalType(UnmarshalResult.java:212)
at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshalType(UnmarshallerImpl.java:127)
at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.LiteralDeserializerContext.unmarshalType(LiteralDeserializerContext.java:60)
at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.BaseDeserializerContext.internalDeserializeType(BaseDeserializerContext.java:161)
at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.BaseDeserializerContext.deserializeType(BaseDeserializerContext.java:78)
at weblogic.wsee.bind.runtime.internal.BaseDeserializerContext.deserializeWrappedElement(BaseDeserializerContext.java:124)
at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapDecoder.decodePart(SoapDecoder.java:303)
at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapDecoder.decodeParams(SoapDecoder.java:187)
at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapDecoder.decodeParts(SoapDecoder.java:150)
at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapDecoder.decode(SoapDecoder.java:103)
at weblogic.wsee.codec.soap11.SoapCodec.decode(SoapCodec.java:121)
at weblogic.wsee.ws.dispatch.server.CodecHandler.decode(CodecHandler.java:138)
at weblogic.wsee.ws.dispatch.server.CodecHandler.handleRequest(CodecHandler.java:39)
at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleRequest(HandlerIterator.java:127)
at weblogic.wsee.ws.dispatch.server.ServerDispatcher.dispatch(ServerDispatcher.java:84)
at weblogic.wsee.ws.WsSkel.invoke(WsSkel.java:60)
at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.SoapProcessor.handlePost(SoapProcessor.java:66)
at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.SoapProcessor.process(SoapProcessor.java:44)
at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.BaseWSServlet$AuthorizedInvoke.run(BaseWSServlet.java:124)
at weblogic.wsee.server.servlet.BaseWSServlet.service(BaseWSServlet.java:53)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:225)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:127)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:272)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:165)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3153)
at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:1973)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:1880)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1310)
at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:207)
at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:179)


wsdl: I can send the complete wsdl if anybody wants to take a look at it.
17 years ago
I use jwsc Ant task to generate web services deployable component using a jws class. However, I make some custom changes in web.xml, weblogic.xml and place a servlet in web services war. All these get overridden when I run jwsc task to regenerate my webservices component. What's the best way of handling this situation. I'm begining to believe that maybe using weblogic ant tasks to generate webservices is good for helloworld programs but not for the real world projects. Can somebody share some real world project experience of developing webservices using weblogic tools.

17 years ago
We have a struts application which was recently migrated to 1.2.8 from 1.0. ActionForms in our app have value objects that contain Integer objects. These are getting initialized to 0 by struts framework at the time of submitting a form. org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.IntegerConverter seems to be the culprit. We want the un-initialized Integer objects to remain null. Has anybody encountered a similar issue and do we have a workaround available. It seem custom converters can do the job for us. However, when beantutils are separetely used then it can be easily done, but when it's called from struts, then it may not be that easy. I need your help in sorting out this issue.

Thanks a lot.
17 years ago
We have a number of hidden form fields that on jsps. However, the action form attached to this jsp doens't have mapping properties for these form fields. It seems struts is trying to put these fields into action form but doens't find a place holder. Changing the action form to accomodate these hidden form fields doens't seem to be an option for us. Is there a way we can tell struts not to populate the action form with these form fileds which are defined as hidden form fields in jsps.
17 years ago
All the beans have a scope='request' defined in my struts-config. When I changed the scope to session, the Bean not Found exception stopped occurring. This seems to have resolved our issue. However, my concern is that our form beans are very large objects and putting these in sessions may not be a very good idea. Our framework tries to avoid putting the objects in session by passing them as hidden variables and that's the reason why scope of all the beans is set to request. Now, replacing the request scope to session will go against the previously designed framework and there could be impact on performance.

Please let me know your veiws. Is this a norm or is it a problem specific to certain frameworks.

17 years ago
Can you show us some examples about how you resovled this issue. I'm facing exact same issue.

Were you able to resolve your issue. I'm migrating my struts app from 1.0 to 1.2.8 and am facing the exact issue that you mentioned. I doubt if we have to make any code changes since the app was working fine in 1.0. I believe it has something to do with some configuration settings. Some defualt value set in web.xml or struts-config.xml needs to be tweaked in or something. Please let me know if you have some ideas.

17 years ago
Phenomenal Score. How do you feel now that you belong to the group of those few elite Java Architects who have ever walked on earth !.
Great job. Keep it up. My best wishes.
18 years ago
I'm planning to write RUP 639 certification. I'm sure some of us might have written this exam. It'll be really great if you could help me in getting started by answering some of these questions:
1. what are the recommended books for this exam.
2. Are there any free mocks available on net for this exam.
3. Has anybody posted her experience with this exam on net.
4. Any other info that you think would be helpful.

If you have around 3-6 years of experience in java swing, please send your resume to me (tauqueer@rediffmail.com). We have an immdeate opening at Oracle IDC, Bangalore, India.
20 years ago
Congrats Ajith !!
good job.
Thanks for the insight about the exam. I'm sure it'll help us in
our preparation.
Hope to see you around.
20 years ago
Below is my sample program. There are 3 buttons b0, b1, b2. When I press b1, I hide b1 and remove b1 and requestFocus for b0. But what happens is b2 gets focus and only when I move the mouse over the frame b0 gets focus.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class FocusLost
public static void main(String s[])
final JFrame fr = new JFrame("FoucsLost");
final JButton b0 = new JButton("Zero");
final JButton b1 = new JButton("One");
JButton b2 = new JButton("Two");
b1.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
FocusListener fl = new FocusListener()
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
System.out.println("focusGained : " + ((JButton)e.getSource()).getText());
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
System.out.println("focusLost : " + ((JButton)e.getSource()).getText());

20 years ago
You might want to use a collaboration diagram if the sequence diagram is taking too much horizontal space.
I'm developing an application that contains a JTable and a few of its columns contain.
JTextField. On jdk 1.4 if you click on one cell to start an edit and
then click on another cell to start an edit the second edit does not
begin and likewise the problem occurs alternatively. This is because the
focus alternates between the JTable and JTextField in jdk 1.4 whereas on
jdk 1.3 the focus is always on JTextField and it works fine on jdk1.3
I tried using JTextField.requestFocusInWindow() method. The API docs mention that
"Requests that this Component get the input focus, if this Component's top-level ancestor is already the focused Window. This component must be displayable, visible, and focusable for the request to be granted. Every effort will be made to honor the request; however, in some cases it may be impossible to do so. Developers must never assume that this Component is the focus owner until this Component receives a FOCUS_GAINED event.
This method returns a boolean value. If false is returned, the request is guaranteed to fail. If true is returned, the request will succeed unless it is vetoed, or an extraordinary event, such as disposal of the Component's peer, occurs before the request can be granted by the native windowing system. Again, while a return value of true indicates that the request is likely to succeed, developers must never assume that this Component is the focus owner until this Component receives a FOCUS_GAINED event.
In my application
requestFocusInWindow is returning true.
but hasFocus() returns false.
Now according to the docs quoted above, it is probably due to the disposal of Component's peer.
This statement is not clear to me.
Does anybody know of any workaround for this problem on jdk1.4?
Bangalore, India
20 years ago
We have developed a component very similar to JavaHelp by Sun. We are also developing
an IDE and trying to integrate the help component with the IDE. Swing library and our own
library which has been extended from swing has been used extensively to develop these
A typical page in help component consists of TextField, our own class very similar to JTable,
JScrollPane and a few buttons.
When this help window is resized, it produces a lot of painting problems. For example the
same scroll bars appear 2-3 times side by side and the JButtons also show similar
It seems these components are being drawn without
erasing the previously drawn components.
I tried calling repaint from resize listener but it doesn't seem to work.
Unfortunately I can't share the code for this problem because its a private property of my
Some debugging pointers would be of great help.
21 years ago
Pleas have a look at following problem
We have Client system on C++ & Solaris. Earlier Server system(Its located
at some other place) was also in C++ & Solaris. Communication protocol bet'n
client & server was DCE ( Distributed Computing Environment). Now Server has
migrated to Java & EJB.
Our problem is to access these EJB services from C++ Client with minimum
modification on Client side.
Solutions suggested are
1. Using SOAp & XML ( We r looking into it)
2. Using JNI
Out of that I am looking into JNI apporach ...but I am not able to find out
if we can access EJB services from server using JNI?
I will be thankful to if somebody can guide me in this case.