Harsha Hegde

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since Jan 12, 2009
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Recent posts by Harsha Hegde

Hi James,
Followup to the above post, i also tried the Query.setFlushMode(). The performance improvement seem to be better than EntityManager.setFlushMode() what could be the reason?
Thanks a lot, it worked, there has been significant improvement in the performance
I have an application using JPA. When I use EntityManager and createNamedQuery and fire a getResult on this I see a weird behavior
Sometimes EntityManager's flush take lot of time to execute. Wanted to understand why this is so? What is happening under-the-hood?
Is vector a performance friendly data structure? Performance point of view how different is it from ArrayList?
12 years ago
I need to analyze the time taken by my application to figure out which method is taking how much time to execute. So to do such a profiling is there any easy to use tool?
12 years ago
Thanks a lot Stephan and Henry. Henry's reply worried me a bit. what i infer is in a high load system no timer application is reliable is this true, how is it managed then?
13 years ago
Hi Experts,
I was trying to build an application (which will run in a JEE environment) where I have a LinkedBlockingQueue and some data get added. I try to empty this queue on two conditions 1-> when queue is full 2-> when there is a time out. I start a timer when i add the first element and reset i empty the queue. Question bothering me is, is there any side effect on the running timer when the stop-the-world GC runs? If so then what is is and what is the alternative?
13 years ago
Thanks for the reply, i am not looking how to debug but the under the hood story when we debug via an IDE because i want to acheive the same as what the debugging in IDE do
13 years ago
changing value of an object is one of the use of debugging. i wan to achieve the same but via an external UI, so m question here is, can you point me to good article on how debugging works in Java.
13 years ago
Hi friends,
I want to learn about web services, what it is? where to use? how to create? Where should I start from, what are the prerequisites and which are the good books.
With hopes,
14 years ago
Hi Steve,
Its a rather complicated implementation but I have something similar code, unfortunately I am not able to simulate the issue with below code, but just as a skeleton for reference
I have a code something like the below, problem is I get unexpected values out of the StringBuffer variable
Eg; i get outputs like "aabc", but i never expect 'a' to repeat twice !
Hi folks,
I recently studied the concept of reflections in java, but I am unable to find the practical use of it?
Can anyone give a practical example where some problem can be solved only by reflection or reflection is the best way to sole that problem.
15 years ago

Please tell us that how it works on C++, efficiently. So we can show you a related feature in Java

If a method is declared inline then during compile it get replaced by the actual code, no method call, so it is faster than calling a function.
15 years ago
I have a small method which is called many many times, I want make this method call efficient, how can I do it?
There is something called inline method in C++ which actually does execution of small methods fast.
15 years ago