Tariik el berrak

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since Jan 23, 2009
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Recent posts by Tariik el berrak

Title : Lean Six Sigma (LSS) in software development
Hi Ranchers,

I am doing a research project on the application of Lean Six Sigma in software development. I would be much grateful if you can spend less that two minutes of your time to answer this survey. If you are interested in the results of this survey, please leave your email in the last question (optional) of the survey and I will share the results with you once compiled.


Many thanks
Hi Ranchers,

I am doing a research project on the application of Lean Six Sigma in software development. I would be much grateful if you can spend less that two minutes of your time to answer this survey. If you are interested in the results of this survey, please leave your email in the last question (optional) of the survey and I will share the results with you once compiled.


Many thanks
Sorry for that:-)
12 years ago
copy the code in a java file called ScheduledTask.java, comple it and run it

The problem didn't state by how much the ball is faulty, so it's 2 weightings.

ex :
If customer who let's say has bought the ball and found out that the ball is faulty by let's say (1Rs) and brought it to the factory, only the step 2 is needed by the factory manager to identify the faulty machine.
If the customer said the ball is faulty without saying by how much then you need 2 steps (IDENTIFY BY HOW MUCH AND THEN WHICH MACHINE)
12 years ago
My answer is at the end of the explanation:

Algorithm :

Step 1:

Firt of all, we need to know by how much a ball is different from the other balls.

Take 1 ball from each shoot ball and put all of them in the scale and note the weight.

It should be 12 * 500 Rs = 6000 Rs

diff = (6000Rs - mesuredWeight) , this is fault wight in a ball from the faulty machine (we dont know yet which machine )

Step 2 :

identify the the faulty machine

- take 1 ball from the shoot ball 1
- take 2 ball from the shoot ball 2
- take 3 ball from the shoot ball 3
- take 12 ball from the shoot ball 12

The total is 1 + 2+ 3 + ........+ 12 = 12*11/2 = 66 balls

the total weight should be 66 * 500 Rs = 33000 Rs expected weight if there is no faulted machine

Now pout the 66 balls in the scale and note the weight totFaultyWeith.

totalDiff = 33000 - totFaultyWeith

if totalDiff = diff ==> only one ball is faulty and means the first machine is faulty
if totalDiff = 2*diff ==> 2 balls are faulty and means the second machine is faulty
if totalDiff = 3*diff ==> 3 balls are faulty and means the third machine is faulty
if totalDiff = 12*diff ==> 12 balls are faulty and means the 12d machine is faulty

Answer : 2 weighting are required if we don't know by how much a ball is fault
1 weighting is required if we know by how much the ball is faulty (skip of step 1)

Thank you
12 years ago
The majority of the tests last 1 hour with 20 to 30 questions, I think what they are looking for is to see if you can write it differently:

could be writen like :

12 years ago
But still waiting for help.

Still waiting for help.

Thanks in advance

I have a problem and need some help.

I get a connection, i run an sql request with my satement.
the request takes abount 2 minutes and should return 180 rows. when i iterate over the resultset, the program freeze at the 20th rows without any exception.
when i debug it in my eclipse IDE, at the 20th row the iResultSet.next() couldn't be read by the debugger

Any idea???

here is my method in my dao class

public List<Record> buildRecords(String request, int idControl,
List<Column> columns) throws SQLException {

logger.log(Level.INFO, "Building records for control : "+idControl+" from request : \n"+request);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

List<Record> list = new ArrayList<Record>();
Statement iStmt = null;
ResultSet iResultSet = null;
long elapsed = 0;

try {

iStmt = conn.createStatement();

elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

iResultSet = iStmt.executeQuery(request);

logger.info("Request executed in : "+elapsed+" milliseconds with ");

int i = 0;

while (iResultSet.next()) {

Record record = new Record(i, idControl);

Column clone = null;

try {

Object idAnomalyStr = iResultSet.getObject(Constant.ID_ANOMALY);
long idAnomaly = Long.parseLong(idAnomalyStr.toString());

for (Iterator<Column> iColumn = columns.iterator(); iColumn.hasNext();) {

Column column = iColumn.next();
clone = column.clone();
Object value = iResultSet.getObject(column.getName());


} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Couldn't build record cause of column '"
+ clone.getName()+"' for idAnomaly : "+record.getIdAnomaly()+" for control "+idControl, e);




elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - elapsed;

logger.info("Data got from resultSet in : "+elapsed+" milliseconds.");

} finally {


return list;

