ravi vijaykumar

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since Feb 24, 2009
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Recent posts by ravi vijaykumar

Hello & Welcome Bob!

I see at runtime we deploy on Websphere which uses IBM JDK to run the application.

However in general while developing usually everyone develops against Sun/Oracle JDK.

I would want to know what is the tradeoff here? Meaning do we get any benefit if we actually use IBM JDK at the time of application development?

Would your book give more information about internals of Websphere and how Java/JDK is used/works within Websphere?

10 years ago

We have implemented similar way of session timeout in our application calling a filter in web.xml.

But we are facing one problem with this way of timeout.

Once Session expires proper logout doesn’t not happen while clicking on tabs created in jspx using <tr:panelTabbed> tags

This is very specifically for the tabs and everything works fine while clicking on link or buttons etc

In server logs we get Session Timed Out message, however at UI nothing happens, same teb is displayed and never logs out.

Additionally we get the below message in logs:-

[3/4/09 16:19:01:125 IST] 00000035 StateManagerI E org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.application.StateManagerImpl restoreView Could not find saved view state for token -1909e0a

Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,
15 years ago
I get the below exception...

[3/4/09 16:19:01:125 IST] 00000035 StateManagerI E org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.application.StateManagerImpl restoreView Could not find saved view state for token -1909e0a

I have seen in many of the forums including codeRanch suggesting to make use of a filter class for checking if session expired, this works fine with other links however clicking on Tabs and Tables, nothing happens on UI.
15 years ago