Phani Sajja

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since Mar 08, 2009
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Recent posts by Phani Sajja

From my front controller I am executing the corresponding command based on the url. This command has to collect the data from the database and the data made available to the next view. Here The command has to get a transfer object from the database and update it. Transfer object can also be composite transfer object. Can I directly call the DAO code in command or apply a pattern here. How can I get and update these composite transfer objects using a pattern.

I am currently developing a web application and trying to implement FrontController design pattern. FrontController delegates incoming requests to a RequestHelper, the helper intern creates a command based on the url-pattern. The command executes and returns the next view. My problem is When the command executes it gets a list of items for view, the client selects one of the items for further processing. When the user selects an item it generates a new command based on the url-pattern and the list is no more accessible. How to keep the list even after executing a new command. I dont want to use a "HttpSession" or "ServletContext". Is there any alternative or a pattern for preserving the list for feature. Please help me.
Hi, I am new here. I have to display the images dynamically reading from a database. I have no problem displaying images. When i try to reduce the width in img tag then it is slowly rendering it. How to overcome this.

<img src="image.jsp?imgID=112" width="150" heigth="130" border="0">

I am also giving the sample jsp to display

byte [] imgData = blob.getBytes(1,(int)blob.length());
OutputStream o = response.getOutputStream();

I want to display the image without any time taken. How could I solve this. Please Help me.

15 years ago