amod god

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Recent posts by amod god

Hi Paul and Bauk,

Now, this is very weird. I tried it by including the following line in the source code.

public Time getTime(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
System.out.println("jtds time = "+Support.convert(this, getColumn(columnIndex), java.sql.Types.TIME, null));
return (java.sql.Time) Support.convert(this, getColumn(columnIndex), java.sql.Types.TIME, null);

And, it gives me the correct result. So I guess, Am I running into some jar conflict?

Actually, the application is being integrated with the other one. So, we have to make sure that both the applications are using the same driver.(and its a JTDS ) I tried with jTDS1.2.2 jar file but the result remains the same.

I couldn't find any solution in JIRA. I will have to continue with my *research* on this.

Hey Paul,

It looks like we are through. My initial testing with Microsoft's driver is successful. But as per the requirement, I *have* to use the jTDS driver. Let me check with the later version of jTDS driver.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion.

Thanks Paul.

Let me check with that driver.

Hi Paul,

Most of the times, it does. Generally, I retrieve these timings and display it on the web page(form). If I click on the save button, it saves 900-01-01 20:23:00.000 | 1900-01-02 04:23:00.000 in the database.

Sometimes, I do get 20:46 and 04:46 when I retrieve the same record. I'm watching that there is pattern(difference of 23)

I don't care about the seconds as of now.

Hi Sagar,

Thanks for your reply.

I have checked that. Even, I have tried with rs.getTimestamp() but the result presists.


I am using jtds-1.1.jar as a SQL Server Driver to connect to MS SQL Server
2000. I have the following 2 columns in a table.

Job_Start_Time(datetime,null) | Job_End_Time(datetime,null)
1900-01-01 20:00:00.000 | 1900-01-02 04:00:00.000

When I try to retrieve this data using rs.getTime("Job_Start_Time") and
rs.getTime("Job_End_Time"), I am getting it 20:23:20 and 04:23:20

Can anyone let me know the workaround or anything that I'm missing out on?
