Siv. Pot

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since Mar 18, 2009
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Recent posts by Siv. Pot


We have a swing application that is launched via JNLP and it uses certain properties files as resource bundles in the code for rendering the UI strings and error messages. These properties files are packaged inside the application's jar files and loaded from there.

Now the requirement is that we need to load these properties files from a folder in the file system of the machine where the application is installed and not from the jar file. The reason for needing this is so that the user can edit the properties files if needed and also add a new language file whenever needed, without requiring to rebuild the jar file.

When we tried to load the properties file from a specific path, it is looking for the path on the individual client machines from where the JNLP application is being launched but not from the server machine where we have deployed the application. How can we load resource bundles from the server's file system in JNLP applications?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


14 years ago

Can any one let me know how to use RogueWave charts and graphs in swing applications. If possible, could someone give me a sample application.

14 years ago

By the way, You have suggested this solution with struts framework in mind?
I have an existing jsp file which is not developed using the struts framework and i now have to internationalize it.

The soultion suggested by you would still apply for the above specified case.
14 years ago
Yes. The contents of the javascript are manually written. It has been seperated because it is easy to include the same content in various JSPs by simply including this js file.

Could you please clearly give me details on how to do it with the solution you have suggested to create JS through tag.
14 years ago
I have a JSP page with drop down which is populated with locales using getAvailableLocales API of the Locale class and a continue button. Once the locale is chosen and continue is clicked i am displaying another JSP. All the HTML text has been now replaced with the scriplets which would pick the data from the respective properties file based on the locale chosen. Now HTML part is internationalized. Now this JSP has a header.js file include which is used to display common content like logos, welcome messages etc. How do i make this JS to display the text, messages etc based on the current locale that is chosen by the user?
14 years ago

How is the SCJP 1.6 exam different from the SCJP 1.5?

Exam objectives: Several new API classes/interfaces have been added:, java.util.NavigableSet, java.util.NavigableMap. Explicit garbage collector calls (i.e. System.gc()) will no longer be tested, but candidates will still be expected to understand garbage collection and the finalize() method. Also, the following topics will be tested in greater depth: exception handling, collections, assertions, threads, and flow control. See the SCJP forum for more details.
Number of questions: 72 (no change)
Time: 210 minutes (increased from 175 minutes)
Passing score: 65% (increased from 59%)
Format of questions: No change.
