Guilherme Silveira

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since Sep 21, 2001
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Recent posts by Guilherme Silveira

I find it weird I did not find questions about the ones ill mention....
It might be my misunderstanding of english, so please, let me know:
Question 6
Which of the following are Java keywords (as opposed to reserved words)?
A. goto
B. malloc
C. extends
Answer in the mock: A,C
Comments: goto is a reserved word. Just like const. BTW null, true and false are literals and not keywords. At least thats what I read. Is it right?
Going further, it asks for the keywords and sazs (as opposed to reserved words).... so?
I have found many problems like these in other mocks that i took.... showing true, false and null as keywords.... can anyone assure me that they are literal's (by the java specification) and not keywords? goto and const are reserved and not keywords?

So, enough about keywords talking.... but please, help me with some specification base, as there is no other way around keywords...
Thanks a lot
21 years ago
thanks a lot
ill try to read it once again
but please dont say it explains very clear cause i couldnt understand it
21 years ago
i have got some code which posts a file to a servlet.
i took some time to find it out and now i have got to port it to work also with https.... any tips? im in real need of this i dont have a clue yet....
thanks a lot
21 years ago
Well Cindy, I did not find where to change my name (I just found a page to change miscellaneous information about myself) therefore I will be creating a new profile...
Sorry for the misunderstanding
Guilherme (TechnoBug)
22 years ago
Thanks Geoffrey, but reading it still leaves with the question on how to read a whole package since i do not know the classes name.
I just now i want (i.e.) to read all the classes inside the "java.lang" package. So, if I know the classes names i just use the reflection api, in my case i still do not know the classes names. I have to call something to get to know all the classes under the package and then going to use the reflection api to get their methods/objects/etc...
Thanks in advance once again
22 years ago
I have got a GUI application which has got GUI objects all extending a common guiClass (or so).
What I need is to make a designer which would read all classes under the gui package so it could allow the user to design an output with all those guiClass inside this package.
But how to get to know all those guiClasses inside this package? How to import them real-time also?
Thanks in advance,

22 years ago