John Michaels

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since Jun 01, 2009
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Recent posts by John Michaels

Well... in order to read something from the user, you need to import the scanner. You would type above your class:
Then you would need to initialize the scanner object as so:
"reader" in the above line can be anything you want.
Now Lets pretend you're asking the person to enter the two integers:
After this you will need to read the two integers. You do this with the scanner function nextInt(); like so:

Bear in mind, it's "reader." because we called initialized the scanner object as reader. If it was something else, we would type [something else].nextInt();

No problem man. It's tough being a newbie. ;)

14 years ago
Thank you Fred. But what if I plan on making a very small website, one that might only have a few people logged on at any given time. Also, I don't plan to have that many registered users. It's just something basic, something my friends and I can use. You register, you place a bet, people can accept, and one party wins. The program does this and also keeps track of who owes who money. Is my sql necessary? Or would it make more sense to do something else, something a bit simpler? Should I just learn it regardless, as it would be beneficial to know for future projects? And do you have to pay?
14 years ago
Thank you guys. BTW, what is my sql exactly? Is it what I need if I want to keep track of multiple users simultaneously?
14 years ago
Hello. I'm creating a game where people can set up an account. Their registration information includes but is not limited to a login and a password. The login and the password are used to sign in. I store the sign in information in a player object, and each player object is stored in an Array List called players. How do I prevent the player objects from being deleted when I compile the program. Am I doing this the right way? Should I be storing the players sign in information in a file? If so, I'm not sure how to do this. Please help. Thank you. My code:

14 years ago
Thank you dude. Sorry I didn't do that before. That was my first post.
14 years ago
Hello. I'm creating a game where people can set up an account. Their registration information includes but is not limited to a login and a password. The login and the password are used to sign in. I store the sign in information in a player object, and each player object is stored in an Array List called players. How do I prevent the player objects from being deleted when I compile the program. Am I doing this the right way? Should I be storing the players sign in information in a file? If so, I'm not sure how to do this. Please help. Thank you. My code:

[edit]Newlines because lines too long. CR[/edit]
14 years ago
Hello. I'm creating a game where people can set up an account. Their registration information includes but is not limited to a login and a password. The login and the password are used to sign in. I store the sign in information in a player object, and each player object is stored in an Array List called players. How do I prevent the player objects from being deleted when I compile the program. Am I doing this the right way? Should I be storing the players sign in information in a file? If so, I'm not sure how to do this. Please help. Thank you. My code:

14 years ago