pasindu hewagama

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since Jul 11, 2009
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Recent posts by pasindu hewagama

Today evening i took scwcd 5 exams & passed with 98% marks i am really happy with my performance.Exactly i worked hard 3months for the exams & as milestones i covered are as follows

1.Read Two times HFSJ while doing mock exams at end of each chapter.
2.Did test at the end of book(Coffee Cram)
3.Read Short notes in Hanumant Deshmukh(SCWCD exam study kit) book

Free tests/blogs:
Niko's Blog,Marcus exams

Enthuware testers

Thank you For all ranchers ,my friends giving me notes & encouragement !!!

Please give me ideas it is ideal doing SCBCD next ? or directly SCEA ? ( i have only 6 months experience in software industry as a trainee engineer & i am going for a software job with in next few months after passing out university end of this month.)personally i like to study for SCBCD next...

13 years ago
Regarding scwcd 5 real exams. Thank you for the advice ankit.
I have experienced that having out of scope problems in design pattern objectives section when facing exams.Any reason for that? Need guide to face those kind of problems positively.
What is the exact time gap that system takes to activate to take same java exam to the second time.I need this time regarding scwcd 5 exam.
I admire your courage keep trying for future goals as well!!
Thank you all for the encouragement given me for future achievements !!
14 years ago
Today evening i cleared SCJP 1.6 exam with 73% ,with maximum marks for API content & Concurrency sections in exam objectives.

I have been with this blog for last 4 months reading and testing technical matters related posts.I will take this note to thank all ranchers contributed from blog posting & answering.
How i achieved this:
1.Read more than two times SCJP study guide 1.6 Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates completing self tests and frequently reading Two Minute Drills.
2.Testers: Examlab 1.6 (Devaka cooray),epad testers(6 exams) ,Nikos's blog & tried free mocks in wizlabs as well.

I am really satisfied with my score as i am doing exams many clashes with my undergraduate studies,My target was 80% .Exam was really tricky as most express.Hope to get SCDJWS exams next.
Last word for students going for scjp1.6 work hard living with plenty of coding before exams.

Pasindu Hewagama.
BSc.Eng(Undergraduate Final Year),SCJP 1.6
14 years ago