Alan Franklin

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since Jul 29, 2009
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Just to be clear, I should've phrased it as "storing an object in the session scope in a redundant environment". So, you have a servlet that calls a business object and passes it the HttpSession object (yes, I know this is bad practice, but humor me for this exercise) and this business object creates some object say "Person" and sets this Person object in the session scope.
14 years ago
I had a question in an interview recently where they asked something to the effect of - what things would you need to take into account when storing a session object in a "redundant" environment. First thought is to implement the serializable interface in case the session objects are passed between servers, stored to disc, etc... I'm thinking they were also looking for something about synchronizing the block of code that sets the session attribute. Any other thoughts on this? Do the 2 above assumptions make sense to do?
14 years ago