praveen raaj

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since Nov 30, 2009
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Recent posts by praveen raaj

Hi Friends,
Can you please explain me, what is difference between eagerly created instance and lazily created instance?and which one is better solution?

please correct me if i'm wrong?
14 years ago
Hi Friends,
Object class is a super class for all classes,Right?so what about Interfaces?
14 years ago
Hi Friends,

How to stop the request to Jsp?
14 years ago
Hi Friends,
I'm new to Java Technology,

How can you say Java is Multi Threading?
Hi Friends,
can you explain to me what is the common use for StringBuffers and StringBuilders?
Hi.... Friends,
The garbage collector is under control of JVM.and JVM decides when to run the garbage collector.
My Question is garbage collector is a part of heap? or some where in JVM Architecture?
14 years ago
Hi Friends,

can you explain to me,what is difference between static factory method and constructor? and what are the advantages over constructor?
14 years ago

praveen raaj wrote:
I have "Java 2 Performance and Idiom Guide" by Craig Larman and Rhett Guthrie. They declared the typesafe enum constants in an interface.something like this.
my Question is will we have any drawbacks using this design?and this is also typesafe enum design pattern Right?

still I have not cleared doubt regarding preceding design pattern.I don't know why I worry so much about these things.
Has anybody else here read the above code and if so, what are your thoughts? Jesper... ?Rob...?
14 years ago
Hi ulrika,
Thanks For Your Reply, is constant interface in the Java 1.6, why sun has not used java.lang.Enum for defining constants?

14 years ago
Hi Friends,
Thanks For Your Replies.

I have "Java 2 Performance and Idiom Guide" by Craig Larman and Rhett Guthrie. They declared the typesafe enum constants in an interface.something like this.
my Question is will we have any drawbacks using this design?and this is also typesafe enum design pattern Right?

14 years ago
Hi Friends,

The preceding code is 'type safe enum' design pattern,then Why should we go for java.lang.Enum?
14 years ago