Joshi Nirav

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since Dec 04, 2009
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Recent posts by Joshi Nirav

Hi all,

I think we can do it by this way.... This is a general Algorithm.

take some initial size of the No_Of_row = 2;
int oldData[] [] = null;
intialCounter = 0;
While(Read the File till EOF){
str := first line of the file.
col[] := split the 'str' by using the specific operator (In Our case its ',')
oldData = new int[No_Of_row][col.length];
if(initialCounter > No_Of_row){
int newData[][] = new int[initialCounter][col.length];
System.arrayCopy(oldata,0,newData,0,initialCounter - 1);
oldData[initialCounter - 1] = col;

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
12 years ago
Hi George,

Can you try the simple one connection String like ,

Please don't forget to replace the xxxx=Your Schema name.

Make sure that your TNSListener service Of Oracle Database Server is running.

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi

Hi all,

I had one question in my mind.

Can anyone tell me when an actual JDBC connection established in hibernate ?

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
Hi all
I am new to the RichFaces.
Can any one tell me the good book for RichFaces ?

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
13 years ago
I think in the book the statement was written in the context of the response and response type that would suppose to be written on the output stream an we need to tell the server that " Hey here my content and its type sending to wards our client who will request to our page ." because ultimately developer who will developing that page need to informe to server about the content.content type.

He said that container wont' know because after the execution/interpretation of the page code container will get the content/content type.

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
13 years ago
Hi all,
I am new to Weblogic server.
I want to enable two datasource pointing to different Database.
I want to use those data source within the single Transaction.

What will be configuration for it in Weblogic 9.2 ?

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
13 years ago
Hi all
I got my solution.
The solution is like here:

From the *-flow.xml file we need to pass the ExternalContext Reference.......
Catch the Reference into the Handler method and get RequestContext Map.
in that Map the Request Parameter will be available.

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
13 years ago
Hi all,
I want to set username in the session using Spring Web Flow.
How will i achieve it ?
Can anyone guide me on that ?

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
13 years ago
Hi all,
I am new to GWT.
Can anyone guide me to maintain HttpSession,HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse Objects in GWT ?
I mean to say if i want to buildup one Login system with two different html/jsp pages using GWT then how will i achieve this ?

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
13 years ago
Hi all,
I had done the Cell Formula Reading functionality by getting the CellReference and just read that value.
But now the issue is We need to Open the Excel Sheet by using VB macro in the backend (that mean the excel will not getting visible in UI mode) then through the VB Script we are calling the 'CalculateAll' Function of the Excel.
So that the MS Excel itself will calculate all formula without opening the Excel Sheet in UI Mode.
For Running VB Macro we need to stick with Microsoft Operating System.
But Our Client want to run on the UNIX environment.

Can anyone have a idea to achieve the same thing using Open Office API ?

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
Hi all,
I want to read Excel Sheet Cell value which is having formula.
I am using Apache POI 3.6 to read the Excel cell Formula Value.
I know that Apache POI apai itself is providing the FomulaEveluator to valuate the Formula but Certain Formulas are not supported by Apache POI.
So that i decided to use the Formula Cell Value without Evaluating that Specific Cell.

But the problem is in that approach is
Once i will feed the value in Cell (based on which the formula is getting calculated ) then i will try to read the value the Formula Cell Value then i won't get the calculated value.

For that i need to open the Excel in GUI mode.

But i don't want to open the Excel Sheet.

Can any one Guide to get the Solution without opening the Excel, without using the FormulaEvaluator i will get the Calculated Value of cell ?

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
Hi all
I am new to the Bea Weblogic Portal and its potlets.
Can any one suggest me the good book which will give me a good idea of this portal and portlets ?

Thanks and Regards
Nirav Joshi
13 years ago
Thanks a lot for your reply.
But i had tried this code by providing the white space and all other posibility then too its working.

But as i said in my earlier message
the error seldom reproduces.

Will it create any issue while more than two threads trying to access the SimpleDateFormate class ?
13 years ago
Sometimes its creating problem for the parsing the date in formate yyyy-mm-dd and giving a ParseException even the date is passing in the yyyy-mm-dd format.
I have created the static instance of the SimpleDateFormat in my class and i am going to parse the date using the static method.

I am running this utility on the Web logic environment.

public static final String WS_DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd";
static SimpleDateFormat sdfWS = new SimpleDateFormat(WS_DATE_PATTERN);
public static Calendar convertWSDate(String date) throws ParseException{
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
return calendar;

Please Guide me whats the issue as soon as possible.
13 years ago